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Cassady: december 28, 2012.

If there were one thing in my life I would change, it would be my family's money situation. I wasn't poor- no. I was anything but.

Having things constantly Handed to me was actually tiring. My father worked as a spinal surgeon in America but decided to travel to Manchester England for better work opportunities. Like he needed one.

" I feel like I haven't been spending enough time with you, cass," my father said to me. He was a tall man with black hair opposite mine and a strongly defined nose. " how would you like to go golfing? Just you and I cass? It would be some nice bonding time between us."

Ugh. " sure dad, that sounds like a lot of fun," I reply trying to sound enthusiastic.

After we packed our bags into the back of our Volkswagen, we began the drive to Twin Oaks Lodge. The ride was mostly silent, I stared out the window watching the trees blur by.

When we pulled up the steep incline into the lot, I was surprised.

The Lodge was a towering thing with dozens of navy and gold golf carts patiently parked outside. Far behind it, I could see miles of sprawled grass. Sloping and dropping into water and sand pits. Death traps for your balls.

Oh how I crack myself up.

Underneath the awning near the entrance, a man escorted us out of our car and parked it in the lot for us. Oh, valet. Nice.

Inside, there was a grand crystal chandelier and walls of granite.

It really was beautiful.

A well dressed and groomed man sat at the desk, and beckoned us forward.

We were set to play the full 18 holes.

Through a couple glass doors, and outside, we were met by our personal caddy. He was lanky and blonde. His eyes startled me.

they were the lightest blue I had ever seen.

" Good afternoon," he said an his voice was deep. And American. The boy could not have been but a year older than I. About eighteen. His jaw line was strong and square, a feature mostly lost to men these days.

" I'm Troy, and I will be your personal caddy for the day, if you have any questions feel free to ask." he said finally, and his eyes slowly wandered to mine. They did not look away. Not until My father asked a question.

" Do you have reasonable knowledge about golfing?" I was puzzled. Of course he probably did, he WAS a caddy. " because my daughter, Cassady cannot hit a ball to save her life. She will need all the help she can get," he finished and smiled widely at the boy then at me. Leave it to my dad to embarrass me in front of a hot guy. My cheeks were warm. The boys lips lifted slightly on one side and his eyes sought out mine again. " of course I do," he answered slyly.

In those black shorts and white button up shirt he looked striking. I blushed again.

He noticed and his smirk spread like wildfire across his face.

We loaded up into the cart, him in the front and my father and I on the back.

The first hole was a long shot filled with bunkers all over the place. I was not looking forward to this.

My father carefully set up his tee and balanced his ball on top if it. Distracted already from my company.

Troy was dismounting the cart and carrying my purple bag to me. " well you're the golf expert, so which should I use?" I ask smiling slightly.

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