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A knocking on the door startled me.

What was Troy doing here an hour early?

I groaned.

I wasn't even ready yet. Far from ready.

I stood on my toes to see out the peep hole.

A dark chocolate eye was

staring back in the hole.

Startled, I jumped back.

Not Troy.


Well at least that's a relief.

I turn the knob and as soon as the door is wide enough to wedge her foot in, she appears inside my house.

With a suitcase.

"Did I miss something?"

I ask confused.

"Just that you have a date and we need to get you ready!"

She replied, grabbing my wrist an hauling me up the stairs behind her.

"Keep your eye closed or I will stab it," she said, squinting over my face.

She was applying eyeshadow.

What color?

I had yet to find out.

Whatever it was, better be good.

According to the excited squeals and smiles, Sarah certainly thought it was.

My light hair was curled in soft ringlets, I was wearing a blue strapless dress with a silvery belt around the waist.

I planned on wearing my matching heels.

Sarah went quiet and I opened one of my eyes hesitantly.

When she didn't stab my eye, I opened the other.

She smiled at me.

"What?" I asked wonderingly.

In response, she points to the mirror and grins wider.

I turn and my eyebrows knit together.

I hardly recognize myself.

The eyeshadow is dark at the base and increasingly gets lighter as it goes up, turning silver.

There is silver eyeliner on the base of my eyelid, my light lashes very dark and long with the mascara.

She had used a light blush to show off my high cheek bones.

In truth, I looked stunning.

"Wow," I barely could say.

She crossed her arms and looked smug.

"All in a days work," she said.

"So modest."

I laughed. And looked back at myself.

"You can call me master makeup," she says and taps my shoulder.

"Yeah I think I like that. Nice little ring to it."

I shook my head at her.

Time was almost up-

Just then there was another knocking on the door.

My heart pumped faster as I got up and slipped into my black stiletto heels.

They made a sharp clicking noise as I walked to the door and threw it open.

I leaned up against the door frame and crossed my arms.

"Hey," I tried to say cooly.

Troys eyes raked once then twice over me and I felt myself flush under his examination.

He was wearing khaki pants and a loose fitted blue button up shirt.

His hair looked as perfect as usual.

Along with his face.


"Hey, you look..." he trailed and looked over me again.

I rose one eyebrow delicately and smirked.

"Beautiful. You look beautiful."

Not that I hadn't ever had a boy tell me that, but this time it was different.

This time it sent shivers down my back. I blushed again.

I actually had genuine feelings for this boy, it wasn't just a required thing to say, it actually meant something.

"You don't look too shabby either," I said and stepped down and wrapped him in a hug.

His arms were warm and strong around me. I felt safe like I could stay wrapped up there forever.

My arms were around his neck.

He broke apart and his lips quickly pecked mine.

Not too long, but enough to make me want more.

He took my hand in his and led the way to his black Nissan.

He even opened the door for me like a gentleman.

How sweet.

I could see the faint twinkling lights of colorful paper lanterns adorning a gazebo.

We walked hand in hand down the cobblestone path like two characters in a fairy tale.

The Hopeless Romantics (one direction)Where stories live. Discover now