Everything we know about you guys is wrong

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This part is dedicated to LuaKitsune.

Ezra sat on the cliff, leaning against Toothless with a fish skewered on the end of a metal rod. He held it over the fire as Toothless ate his own pile of fish.
There were faint black marks on Ezra's face because of the plasma blast Toothless had let off in their flight.
Now it was evening with a sunset taking place.
They'd flown to the cliff to have a bit of down time before heading back to the cove.
Ezra looked over when he heard a belching noise and saw Toothless barf up a cod head. He looked at his rider.
"Uh no thanks. I'm good" Ezra smiled showing him his fish. 
A group of gurlgly growls caught their attention. They looked up to see a flock of Terrible Terrors approaching them.
Landing on the ground, they scuttled towards Ezra and Toothless. Ezra looked at his dragon as Toothless began growling protectively. 
He tried to cover his fish but a yellow Terror grabbed the regurgitated food and dragged it away before Toothless could do anything. It sat down and began eating until another approached. With a growl, the yellow one released a short burst of flame.
Toothless watched the two Terrors fight with an unamused expression. A fish suddenly stood up from his pile, catching his interest. He watched it curiously then saw a green Terrible Terror get out from the pile, dragging the fish with him. The Night Fury growled and grabbed the food. 
Toothless and the Terror had a game of 'tug a war' with the fish before the Night Fury yanked hard. Making the little dragon fall backwards with a small bit of the cod in his mouth. Toothless swallowed the rest of the fish and gave a huffy laugh.
The Terrible Terror growled and spat the fish out. Getting to its feet, if snarled at Toothless and got ready to breathe fire.
Toothless didn't seem fazed by the small reptile's growls. On the contrary, he seemed amused. Ezra watched the Terror get ready to attack nervously.
Toothless shot a fireball into the little dragon's mouth when it opened. The lizard flopped to the ground, smoke drifting from its nostrils as it got to its feet shakily and moved from the Night Fury.
"Huh. Not so fireproof on the inside are you?" Ezra asked it with a small smile.
"Here you go."
He tossed the little dragon his fish where it ate it joyfully.  
The dragon looked​ at Ezra curiosly as the boy settled back beside his Toothless.
The Terrible Terror scuttled towards Ezra cautiously before nudging his hand and lying down beside him. Ezra gently stroked the lizard as it began purring and snuffling contently.
"Everything we know about you guys is wrong" Ezra realised.

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