General Jackass

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This is dedicated to LuaKitsune.

Ezra, Sabine and Zeb walked into the Ghost later that day. Kanan and Hera were sitting on the couch with cups of Kaff.
"Hello you three. How was training?" Hera asked handing them all mugs of hot chocolate.
"I was almost killed" Ezra told her, sitting beside the Twe'lik. 
Kanan's eyes widened in surprise.
"What are you talking about?" He asked.
"Ezra was stupid and tried to make peace with a Zippleback. Almost costed him his life" Sabine said going through to the cabins. 
Zeb sat down too.
"I managed to save the kid before he became lunch" he told them.
"Ezra. How many times do we have to go over this?" Hera asked.
"Dragons just can't be tamed. It's impossible."
"That's what you're bothered about? Not that Ridgeback almost got me eaten?" Ezra asked in disbelief.
"Oh trust me Ezra, we're pissed" Kanan told him.
"But we're reaminig calm so we don't go nuts and rip General Jackass's head off." 
Ezra snorted into his hot chocolate.
"We'll have a word with him tomorrow" Hera promised.
"Thanks" Ezra said with a yawn.
"Alright. Get to bed kid. You've got a big day of training tomorrow. It's the decider to see who'll be killing the Nightmare."
Ezra, who had been swallowing his drink, spat some out it by accident.
"You need to stop doing that" Kanan told him.
"Tomorrow's the decider?" Ezra repeated, ignoring Kanan's comment.
"Why are you so worried? You'll ace it" Zeb said.
"I know" Ezra replied.
"But that's what I'm afraid of" he muttered.

Ezra lay in bed, restless, and worried.
If he did win, he wouldn't have a choice whether to kill the dragon or not. He'd be forced to.
Taking Toothless's scale from the shelf beside his bed, he ran a few fingers along the cold surface.
Making a fist round it, he held it to his chest and rolled over. After an hour of thinking about Toothless, he finally drifted off.

A new friendOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora