The first test

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Ezra walked into the cove and saw the Night Fury. He was sitting on the far side of the cove.
"Hey Toothless" Ezra called.
He'd thought of a name for the dragon and it fitted.
"I brought you breakfast. I hope your hungry."
He tipped the basket over and piles of fish fell out. Toothless ears perked up in interest and he went over.
"Okay. That's disgusting. You've got Salmon some nice Icelantic Cod. And a whole smoked Eel."
Toothless suddenly began snarling and backing away from the food.
Ezra picked out the eel and held it up.
Toothless shrieked and looked horrified.
"Woah Woah. It's okay" Ezra said tossing it aside.
"Yeah I'm not fond of eel much either."
Toothless sniffed the fish and began eating.
"That's it. That's it. That's the good stuff. And don't you mind me I'll just be back here. Minding my own business."
Ezra crouched and moved the fin towards the dragon's tail but he moved it aside as he ate.
Ezra kept trying to attach the fin but Toothless kept moving.
"Hey woah. It's okay" Ezra told him as it flapped up.
He took hold of the tail and Toothless's shoved his head into the basket.
Ezra grunted as he was pushed forward.
With a sigh, he turned round after began setting the new fin. Tightening the straps and locking it in place.
Toothless's head raised and the basket fell off.
He purred as he heard the squeaking sound of metal.
His mouth fell open and his wings began to raise.
"There we go" Ezra smiled admiring his work.
"It's not too bad it works. Then and again I could...WOAH!"
Toothless suddenly took off almost throwing Ezra off.
The dragon flapped across the cove with Ezra clinging on to his tail for dear life.
Toothless suddenly fell and Ezra realised​ the fin was totally useless as if fluttered in the breeze.
He opened it and Toothless shot in to the sky.
"Oh my...It's working!" Ezra exclaimed turning it so the Night Fury had to fly back down to the cove.
"Yes! Yes I did it" Ezra smiled as they flew across the stream.
Toothless looked over to see Ezra on his tail.
He swung round so suddenly, he threw Ezra off.
But losing him made his tail fail and he fell into the water.
"Yeah!" Ezra cheered as he popped up from the stream.

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