Becoming useful

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Ezra finished his sketch of Toothless in his note book. Tearing out the page, he pinned it on to his board where tail designs, drawings and plans were stuck up.
Putting his book back into his belt pouch, he left his work space and went to the training arena. 
Sabine was already there, throwing knives at wooden barrels.
He approached the Mandalorin and stopped behind her.
Ezra cleared his throat to let her know he was there and had a knife at his neck.
He stared at Sabine with his hands raised.
"Um, do you mind lowering the knife?" Ezra asked nervously.
Sabine rolled her eyes and did so.
"Look I don't know what game you're playing Ezra. But you'd better stay at out of my way" Sabine told him.
"I don't want to get in your way Sabine."
The others soon arrived and the lesson began.
"We'll be training with the Nadder again" Rex told them as they got their shields.
Rex pulled down the leaver and the blue and yellow dragon burst from the cage.
It sqwauked loudly and ran at its threats.
Ezra rolled out of the way while the others lunged at the reptile.
Hobbe and Wedge were thrown against the walls, Zeb was tossed a few meters away and Sabine was throwing her knives at the Nadder.
It dodged every blade and swung its tail at her. Sabine ducked it and ran behind the dragon.
The Nadder turned to Ezra and ran at him.
The boy dropped his blaster and shield as the Nadder sniffed him.
The spikes round its head flew up as it heard Sabine's yell. While it's head was turned, Ezra remembered Toothless's reactions to Ezra scratching him.
He reached out and moved his fingers round dragon's neck. It purred and Ezra went for under it's chin.
It collapsed to the ground in bliss.
Ezra looked up at Sabine who stared at the dragon with confusion.
"Good job Ezra. You've won again" Rex called.
"Can I go now?" Ezra asked.
After a nod from Rex, he ran from the arena to the woods. Completely oblivious he was being followed.

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