recalling facts

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Ezra walked into dragon training the next day with his team.
As normal, Sabine and Zeb looked serious, Wedge and Hobbe seemed ready and Rex looked the same.
He gave everyone buckets of water and went over to a new pen.
"We'll be working with the Hideous Zippleback today" he said.
Pulling the leaver down, green gas burst from the inside. Creating a foggy surrounding so they could barely see each other.
"Now a wet dragon head can't light it's fire. The Hideous Zippleback is extra tricky. One head breathes gas, the other one lights it. Your job is to know which is which" Rex said. 
Ezra clutched his bucket of water.
'Look at the bight side of this Ezra' he told himself.
'At least there's no killing involved.'
He frowned.
'Not yet anyway.'
He accidentally bumped into Wedge making him spill some water, but it was at that moment one of the Zippleback heads showed itself, neither rebels cared.
Wedge threw his water at the head but gas came from its mouth.
"Oh wrong head" Wedge realised.
The gas head smashed him aside leaving Ezra to fend for himself.
The second head showed itself and neared Ezra. He threw the water at it but it missed because it dodged it.
"Oh come on" Ezra sighed.
The heads smacked the bucket away from Ezra and snarled, approaching him.
"Ezra" Rex said starting to go towards him but stopped at what he saw.
"Back! Back! Back! Now don't make you tell you again" Ezra said motioning to the dragon and making it back up.
"Yes that's right. Now think about what you've done."
Ezra tossed an eel into the cage as the Zippleback went in. The dragon gave a shriek of fear and backed up against the wall.
Ezra pushed the door closed, wiped his hands on his shirt and turned round.
The others were staring at him and Hobbe dropped his bucket.
"Cool! So are we done?" Ezra asked.
"Cause I've got some things I need to uh, yep. See...See you tomorrow​" Ezra said leaving the arena and running to the cove.

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