The first lesson

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Ezra followed Sabine, Zeb, Hobbe and Wedge into the new training area.
A large chain dome covered the top and five cages lined the walls.
"Welcome to dragon training" Rex said as they entered.
"No turning back" Sabine muttered.
"Let's get started. The recruit who does best, will win the honour of killing their first dragon in front of the entire rebellion."
The others glanced at one another as the clone went to the doors.
"Now behind these doors are a few of the many species you'll be able to fight" Rex said.
"The Deadly Nadder, the Hideous Zippleback, the Monstrous Nightmare, the Terrible Terror. And the Gronkle."
Rex reached for the handle.
"Woah woah wait. Aren't you gonna teach us first?" Wedge asked.
"I believe, in learning on the job" Rex said pulling the leaver down.
A fat, brown and lumpy dragon with a bludgen like tail and fast beating wings burst from the cage.
"Today is about survival. If you get blasted, you're dead."
The Gronkle scooped up a pile of rocks and ate them.
"Quick! What's the first thing you're going to need?" Rex inquired.
"A doctor?" Ezra asked.
"Plus five speed?" Wedge suggested.
"A shield" Sabine answered.
"Shields! Go!"
The group grabbed the shields on the ground and ran back to the Gronkle.
"Those shields are good for another thing. Noise. Make lots of it. Throw off a dragons aim" Rex told them.
The rebels took hold of their blasters and behan banging them on their protection.
The Gronkle shook it's head as it's vision became blurry. 
"Every dragons has a limited number of shots. How many does a Gronkle have?" Rex asked.
"Five?" Sabine asked.
"No six!" Hobbe said.
"Correct six. That's one for each of you and another if you're lucky."
The Gronkle shot two fireballs at Wedge and Hobbe which blasted their shields​.
"Hobbe. Wedge. Out" Rex said. 
Zeb was taken down and the dragon faced Ezra and Sabine.
"So I guess it's just you and me huh?" Ezra asked.
"Nope just you" Sabine replied running from him as a fireball hit his shield. He ran after it as it rolled away.
Another blast it and it exploded.
Ezra skidded across the ground and was trapped in a corner.
"Ezra!" Rex yelled.
The Gronkle opened its mouth, about to blow Ezra's head off when Rex grabbed it and forced the dragons blast up.
"And that's six. Go back to bed you over grown sausage!" Rex snapped forcing the reptile back into its cage.
Ezra got to his feet shakily.
"You alright?" Rex asked.
The boy nodded and followed his team back out of he arena.
The first lesson did not go well for him.

Suggestions are appreciated.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲

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