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Ezra left the training arena as normal that afternoon. The group had gone through a wild fight with the Gronkle.
Ezra had used the grass Toothless had been rolling in the other day against the dragon. The Gronkle had gone slightly loopy and became passive to Ezra.
The boy was happy that he wasn't​ hurting the dragons but still impressing his friends.
The young Jedi looked over to see Rex.
"Hey Rex" Ezra greeted.
"What can I do for you?"
"Well I'd ask you to stop impressing me with your abilities with dragons but I don't want to. Just wait till Hera and Kanan find out how well you've been doing. They'll be so proud of you."
Ezra smiled sheepishly.
"Who knows, you might have the chance to kill that Monstrous Nightmare."
Ezra almost tripped.
"Say what?" He said.
"Don't you remember what I said on the first day of training? Whoever does best will win the honour of killing their first dragon in front of the rebellion. We've decided to chose the Monstrous Nightmare to be the dragon killed."
"Are you saying if I keep doing well, I'll kill that dragon?" Ezra asked.
"Yes. But the competition's high between you and Sabine."
"Heh. Right" Ezra said distractedly.
Whoever did best would be killing a dragon. How did he forget that?! He didn't want to harm any dragon but if he won he wouldn't have a choice...
Ezra shook his head and sighed.
Why was this so hard for him?

Ezra grabbed a plate of food and sat alone on a log next to the fire. It had become a normal routine. Dinner was now being served up by a few pilots of the rebellion for everyone. Ezra would eat alone because no one allowed him to sit by them.
As soon as he sat, he was crowded by people. Demanding to know how he beat the dragon that day.
Ezra was surprised by the sudden attention but told them what had happened anyway.
It wasn't long before he'd earned the name:
'Dragon Conquer.'
Honestly, Ezra didn't mind it. But as he got into bed, he knew he'd much prefer the name;
'Dragon Rider.'

Suggestions are appreciated and welcome.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲

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