The decider

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"Now. You've all done well in these training sessions but I've chosen the two best students" Rex told his group. Ezra crossed his fingers, praying he wasn't one of them.
"Sabine and Ezra. You two will be doing this one. Your challenge is to take down the Gronkle using stealth and a surprise attack."
Sabine looked determined while Ezra felt sick.
"The rest of you, go wait outside the dome."
Ezra and Sabine walked into the arena where small, wooden barriers had been set up. Outside the arena was most of the rebellion on Yavin.
Ezra get his stomach flip with nerves when he saw people he reconised.
Kanan, Hera, Chopper, Senator Mon Mothama, Commander Ridgeback, Kallus, AP-5, and a few others.
Sabine turned round and looked at him with a glare.
"Stay out of my way" she told him.
"I'm winning this thing."
"Please, by all means" Ezra said.
The two got their shields and  got their weapons ready. 
The Mandalorin and Jedi walked into the middle of the arena where a cage door opened and the Gronkle flew out. 
They both break rolled to the nearest cover so it didn't see them.
Sabine looked out to see the dragon's back turned and went to the next barrier.
Ezra peeked out to locate the reptile before expertly creeping to the small wooden wall near him.
He'd gotten good at going places without noise. He felt like Toothless had taught him without giving him lesson. Once they were in a field of grass and Toothless managed to creep through the dry stems silently while hunting a rabbit that managed to get away. Ezra was surprised because of Toothless's large size, he didn't make a sound in the grass.
Ezra felt his stomach clench as the Gronkle approached him. Any second now, it would spot the boy.
Sabine was a few barriers away, grasping her gun and shield.
"This time" she told herself.
"This time, for sure."
She ran out from her cover, ready to fight but stopped, staring. Her mind had gone blank in shock.
The Gronkle was lying on its side, legs waving in the air. Ezra was standing beside it, looking at her nervously.
"NO!" Sabine yelled, her anger boiling.
She wasn't in time.
"Kriff! Son of a bounty hunting, murdering, scum!"
"So...later" Ezra said about to walk away when Rex grabbed him and pulled him back.
"Not so fast" he told the boy.
"You see I'm kinda late for..."
"What? Late for what? Exactly" Sabine snarled blaster pointing at Ezra.
"Okay quiet down! Mon Mothama has decided!" Argus yelled.
Sabine put her gun back into the holster as the three faced the Senator.
Rex motioned to Sabine where Mon Mothama shook her head.
Ezra felt his gut clench when the Senator nodded as Rex pointed to him.
"Oh you've done it Ezra! You've done it!" Rex cheered while Sabine looked at him with the most angry expression Ezra had ever seen.
"You get to kill the dragon!"
Zeb lifted Ezra onto his shoulders while the crowd went nuts.
"That's my boy!" Kanan called.
"Oh yay. Yes I can't wait!" Ezra said.
"I am so..."

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