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Monday, October 23rd

Cambull High

8:40 a.m

I sit in class as many people talk about whatever they want. Mr. Harrison had a little meltdown so he decided on letting us do whatever we wanted. That guy needs someone to talk to. He might be going through a midlife crisis but what would I know. Austin quietly sits an empty seat away from me. I unconsciously stare at him but quickly look away when I notice he's looking back.

What are you doing?!

"Hey Cam-" Austin begins to say but I cut him off by shaking my head. I can't risk the stalker seeing us. Just as he opened his mouth to say something else, a knock on the door frame caught everyone's attention. Everyone stopped talking and turned to see Luke standing by the door.

"Ah Mr. Park nice to see you here" Mr. Harrison says as he manages to recollect himself.

"Nice to see you too Mr. Harrison" Luke says as he nods his head.

"What brings you here?"

"I was wondering if I could talk to Camila" Luke says calmly, but everyone turns to look at me with wide eyes.

"Wha-" Austin began to say but he was cut off by Mr. Harrison.

"Absolutely not Mr. Park. Good bye" Mr. Harrison says as he dismisses Luke. Luke just shrugs his shoulders and walks out of the door.

"What did Luke want with you" the girl that sits in front of me asks, scratch that, she demands. She has a disgusting glare directed right at me. That's when I notice she's the girl that Chris tried to flirt with that day at the party in the woods. She's also a loyal follower of Savannah but she can't seem to become one of her best friends. Hmm I wonder why. I open my mouth to say something but someone beats me to it.

"What do you care? Last time I checked you had a boyfriend Vanessa" Austin says before I have the chance to.

I turn to look at him to see that he's already staring. I guess the roles are flipped this time. I mouth a 'thank you' and quickly turn back to my notebook. I continue to draw and write my thoughts down on my notebook for the rest of the class.


Cambull High

12:30 p.m

I walk to my locker and open it to put some notebooks away when I get a notification open my phone. I take my phone out and see it's the unknown number.

Hey babe :)

I throw my books and notebooks in my locker and reply. 

Are you stalking me?! 

Not even a few seconds later I get a reply. It's almost instant.



Is someone stalking you?

I roll my eyes at the response. 

Like you care. 

I grab my one notebook and close my locker shut without answering back. I walk into the lunchroom and ignore the few stares I get as I sit at a lunch table. Throughout the period I write in my notebook, but I constantly feel someone's burning gaze directed towards me. I look up to see Savannah staring at me. If looks could kills I wouldn't even be ashes. I'd be obliterated by now. 

"Camila" I tear my gaze away and look up to see Luke standing in front of me. "Can we talk about the sta-" as soon as I realize he's about to bring up the stalker I reach over the table and cover is mouth with my hands. 

"How do you know?" I ask as I look around to see if anyone heard him. He grabs my hands with his and lowers them from his face. 

"You told me at the party" I stare at him in disbelief. I had forgotten exactly what I said at the party but I knew that I had said something that shouldn't of been said. Luckily I kept the right thing a secret. 

"Hey Camila" both Luke and I turn to look at Austin. The bell rings but the three of us remain where we stand. The tension between us is thick almost as if it's swallowing us whole, but no one backs down. Luke and Austin stare at each other and I am left to watch as they have a silent battle, one that I am left out of. 

"I'll leave you two to it" I rip my hands out of Luke's hands, grab my notebook and walk away from them. Leaving both of them to whatever was troubling them. 


Cambull High 

4:40 p.m 

I want to go home but I fear being alone. So I sit under a tree as I let my thoughts drift from my mind to paper. This tree isn't the same one I normally sit under. I decided to sit under a tree far from everyone in the parking lot. I look up and see the sun shine through the branches. The clouds look soft while the sky is as blue as ever. I look down at a flower that is still strong, healthy, and beautiful despite it's fall. I remember a time when I use to look at a flower with someone and saw all of its beauty. But I was so engrossed by the flower that I didn't notice the storm in the sky. 

"C...Cam...Cami...Camila!" I look to see Luke standing before me. "Before you get the chance to run from me I just want to let you know that I'm much faster than you. There is no escaping this conversation"

"I have no idea what you're talking about" I close my notebook to make sure that nothing written in it can be seen. 

"The stalker. I know about them. I know about the threat" 

"There is nothing to talk about. If I keep to myself everything will stay calm" I say. I catch a glimpse past Luke and see Austin talking to Savannah. They look happy together. 

"You can't let this person win" Luke says. Although there is truth to his words I can't help but get upset. I grab my notebook and get up. Looking Luke in his eyes I walk past him, but he grabs my wrist holding me back. "Camila please talk to Austin. Maybe he can help"

"Let go of me or you'll regret it Park" I threaten. But his grip on my wrist never loosens. 

"Camila. Either you talk to him or I tell him everything" I look in his eyes to search for a bluff but he's serious. 

"Don't you get it?! I'm scared Luke. This person knows where I live. I don't feel safe in my own home!" I yell growing more and more frustrated. 

"Please don't tell me that your only plan is to ignore him forever because that's crazy and you know it" he says sternly. "At least tell me you'll think about it" I hate to admit it but he's right. 

Time's up Camila. You can't run forever. 

"Fine. I'll think about it" I say finally giving in. Relief washes over Luke's face but I can't help but think about the stalker. I yank my wrist out of Luke's hands and push past him. I have to face my fears at some point.

Everyone has fears and that's what makes us human. But the truth is that having no fears doesn't truly make us fearless. We are only truly fearless when we can face our fears and overcome them. 

That is the true power of being fearless. 

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