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Wednesday, November 1st

Cambull High

8:00 a.m

I walk up towards Brandon who is talking to some guys on the soccer team.

"Aye Austin!" the same guy from the game says as I come closer. "You should've seen him play the other day. I didn't know your two friends had it in them, especially Austin" he says towards Brandon. "Did he ever play?"

"Yeah, at one point in his life. Ain't that right Austin?" Brandon says as I say hi to everyone.


"Well the rest of the team and I have to go. See you at practice" the guy says to Brandon and then leaves.

"So how was the prank yesterday?" I ask as I lean against his car.

"About that" I look at him while he pauses to fix his bag. "I didn't do it"

"What do you mean you didn't do it?" I ask. Last time I check him and Jaden we're going to do the prank.

"Well I got a call about a last minute practice and Jaden said that he had it all covered. So I left him to do it" he said calmly.

"What?!" I yelled losing my patience. Brandon just rolled his eyes and gave me a 'you're overreacting' look. "You and I both know Jaden goes overboard with his pranks. Remember last time when he thought it was funny to give the new kid weed brownies...back in elementary school?" I watch as Brandon's eyes widen. He finally realized how he messed up.

"We can still fix this. If she shows up to school then that means the prank went okay" he said as he tried to remain calm, but I could see the panic in his eyes.

"She better show up, for Jaden's sake" I glance around and see Jaden waking towards us. I push myself off the car and walk towards the school ignoring the calls behind me.


Cambull High

9:00 a.m

Camila walks into class more than 20 minutes late. She mumbles something to Mr. Harrison and quickly makes her way to the back of the class. I expect her to ignore me but instead she smiles a warm smile and sits at the desk next to me.

She seems fine.

But sometimes looks can be deceiving

Throughout the rest of the class we only sneak a few glances at each other and share a few smiles. I wanted to ask her how she was or if anything happened but it would be too suspicious. I still don't know what Jaden had done and the last thing I want is for her to think I was the one who pulled the prank.


Cambull High

12:30 p.m

I walk into the lunchroom and glance around looking for at least one person. But to my surprise I see both of them sitting together at a bench by a window. I go directly to Savannah and Jaden who are too busy laughing with each other to notice me.

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