British Guys Aren't Cute - Chapter Thirty-Seven

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After being told that Madonna was singing the Die Another Day theme in 2002: “Are we going to need ear plugs?” 

- Prince Phillip

Chapter Thirty-Seven

“I would like to welcome today’s guest onto the show,” one of the TV presenters said turning on the sofa she was sitting on and facing the camera. Nora stood in the darkness behind the camera, waiting to be ushered onto the set. She couldn’t believe that she was being interviewed on the TV. Sure she was the wife to the crown prince, but she still couldn’t get over the fact that people wanted to see her on their screens. Nora had been given to option to do an interview with multiple magazines and news corporations, but refused to do any other than the TV programme she had first watched when she found out that the press had figured out who Milo was dating. “I’m sure everyone had heard about our guest - who needs no real introduction - but I would like to present to you, the nations sweetheart - Nora, future queen of the UK,” the blonde present cried happily as Nora got the signal to go onto the set. She quickly formed a giant smile as she quickly waddled onto the bright TV set, finding it hard to walk in her condition. 

The blonde presenter, Holly, quickly smiled over at Nora, before helping her to sit down, welcoming her to the show as she did. Nora quickly sat down on the comfy couch, before watching Holly and the second TV presenter, Phillip, sit down on to sofa across from her. 

“Welcome to the show, Nora, it’s lovely to have you here,” Philip smiled over at her, Nora instantly replying

“thank you, it’s nice to be here,” 

“I must say, I was very shocked when I was told that you wanted to do an interview on this programme, I mean, you must of gotten offers from millions of newspapers and shows! It’s just very humbling that you wanted to appear on This Morning,” Phillip replied, a huge smile on her face.

“Well I just couldn’t imagine doing it anywhere else! My best friend and flat mate used to watch you every day, and when the opportunity to do an interview arose, I automatically said ‘This Morning’ and well, here I am!” Nora replied, looking around the set before noticing that there was a table full of food at the back of the room. Her tummy grumbled for the food, even thought she had eaten twice as much as Milo had for breakfast, a smiling appearing on her face when she thought of Milo. Nora smiled a bit more when she realised that she wasn’t nervous at all about appearing live on TV, and instead was thinking about food.

“So, what I want to know is what’s is it like being married to a prince?” Holly questioned, leaning forward slight as if she wanted to know that answer to the questioned. The answer popped up in Nora’s head as soon as it was asked, memories replaying in her head. 

“It’s just like dating any other guy,” She answered, “Any other perfect guy,” Holly let out an awe as the all the woman on the set did the same.

“That’s so cute! Did you know who he was right from the start?” Holly questioned again.

“Not exactly, for the first two dates I didn’t recognize him, I knew that I knew him from somewhere but I wasn’t quite sure where, but then I heard his full name while on our third date - I think it was - and I wasn’t happy that he hadn’t told me from the start,” Nora replied, not pausing to think through her answer. The interview organizers had told her to make sure to think through her answer incase she revealed something she hadn’t wanted to say but that had all flown out the window. Nora felt as if she was just talking to some old friends rather than an interviewer. 

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