British Guys Aren't Cute - Chapter Eleven

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'Now in England if you commit a crime, the police don't have a gun and you don't have a gun so if you commit a crime it's "Stop, or I'll say stop again!”’

Robin Williams

Chapter Eleven

Post 264: 

So let's say you've found a British guy who isn't an ass-hole (for once), the next step is meeting his parents. If you're not scared, you should be. Do not reject the cup of tea that they may offer, take the bloody crumpet if it's offered and for gods sake, avoid the subject of children. The only worst thing that British males is their mothers! And if you've found a half decent bloke (translation — guy), then his mother is destained to be monster-in-law that plagues your nightmares. Brace yourself people, I'm going in. 

"Just breathe, Nora, just breathe," Nora repeated to herself over and over, hoping that she would calm down. Todd was looking at her like she was crazy, not realising that she was freaking out slightly about meeting the royal family. 

"Miss, what's wrong?" Todd questioned, as they pulled up outside the palace. She had been acting weirdly for the last ten minutes, and only now did he think to ask her what was wrong.

"What's wrong? WHATS WRONG? I'll tell you what's wrong? I'm about to meet the bloody king and queen of England! That's whats wrong!" Nora screamed. "Oh god! I'm Irish! They will probably think I'm some gold digging part of the IRA or some shit like that!" 

"Nora, calm down!" Todd shouted, immediately making Nora shut up and lean back in her car, with an expectant look on her face. "The king and queen are nice people! They are not going to think you are apart of the IRA unless you give them reason to believe that, just stop acting like you escaped from a mental institute this morning! Just go out there and be yourself!" Todd assured the worrying Nora. His words made little difference to the internal panic attack Nora was having, but it made the world of difference to how she acted. 

"Okay, calm," She said to herself. The car came to a stop, with Milo's car just behind it, and a butler immediately rushed towards the doors to open them. "You know if I end up being sent to the London Dungeons for attemptive murder because they think that I'm part of the IRA - you're going down with me!" She warned. 

"I'll hand myself in, miss," Todd smiled, calming Nora down a little. The door beside Nora opened. She took a deep breath in, before taking a step out of the car and looking around the palace grounds. She was standing right in front of a beautiful stone building, Ivy growing round the side. Surrounding the building was a forest of trees, hiding the building from the view of outsiders.

"Hello there, Miss Flynn!" a voice whispered into Nora's ear, making her jump. 

"Shit!" she swore, her heart beat racing. She turned to her left to see Milo, a smirk stretching from one ear to the next. "Jesus, Milo you scared-" She began to say, but he cut her off with a kiss, unable to hold himself back.

He had hated the 30 minute car ride without her. He had realised that he now had no secrets from her. She knew who he was, and had forgiven him for not telling her. All he wanted to do was kiss her, and that's exactly was he was doing. 

He pulled away, not letting his deep blue eyes move from Nora's brown eyes, before gulping slight. "Nora Flynn - will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. Nora stared up at him, caught completely off guard from the kiss. Incoherent word's swum round Nora's mind as she tried to figure out what to say. 

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