Chapter 21

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'Eugene!' Ace screamed and I turned around. She was looking around frantically and I frowned, raising an eyebrow.

'Ace?' I said, uncertainly. She turned around as fast as lightning and stared at me like I had just murdered someone.

'Oh, my goodness! You're okay!' She said launching herself at me.

'Yeah, why wouldn't I be?'

'No reason!' Ace replied quickly and I shrugged it off.

'Who are you three?' I heard Aaron's voice ask suddenly. I turned around and saw Aaron behind Eliza while Frankie and Kathrine were staring at him with wide eyes. 'I asked who you three were. I expect an answer.'

'I am Kathrine Schäfer, that is my sister, Elizabeth Schäfer and this is my friend, Francesca Waters.' Kathrine said and Eliza started turning around slowly. When Eliza turned around she quickly pulled out a gun.

'No!' I shouted and she looked over at me. Aaron barked and lunged at her biting her wrist. She screamed in pain and I widened my eyes in fear. 'Aaorn!' I shouted and sprinted over to pry him off.

'No! Let her go!' Kathrine screamed and ran over to help with Frankie next to her. Once we got Aaron off of her I saw that she was unconscious and Kathrine screamed in anger. 'You killed her!'

'Kathrine, cam down. She's just unconscious.' I said and she screamed again. She picked her up and ran into the tunnel, leaving me with Frankie and Aaron. Frankie grabbed the bags quickly though and went into the tunnel. I tried to follow her but was stopped by Kathrine who stood in front of the tunnel entrance. 'Can I please come in?'

'No! Get away!' She shouted and I stared at her hand as something appeared in it. A fireball.

'Where did you get that?' I asked nervously and she glared at me.

'That's none of your business.' She snapped and I took a step back.

'Please, just let me in. I want to help.' I pleaded but she just glared at me again.

'No! You distracted her and made her vulnerable!' She snapped and I tried not to flinch.

'It wasn't my fault! She was going to shoot him!' I shouted.

'No, she wouldn't do that! She just threatens people with it!' She shouted and I sighed.

'Fine, I'm sorry, okay? I was just trying to protect my friend.' I said but she kept on glaring at me. Ace came up from behind me and grabbed my arm.

'Eugene, let's go.' She said pulling on my arm but I didn't budge. I froze when I heard a groan come form the tunnel but started shouting at Kathrine again after a few seconds.

'You shouldn't have tried to get her attention!' Kathrine shouted and I rolled my eyes.

'Oh, we're talking about this again! I thought she was going to shoot him! What was I supposed to do?' I shouted and Ace tugged on my arm harder. Kathrine clenched her fists and the fire disappeared. She opened her mouth and was about to shout at me but she closed her mouth when we heard a groan inside the tunnel. Kathrine looked over her shoulder and I saw Eliza on the floor with her eyes clenched shut. Kathrine ran over and I tried to take a step inside the tunnel but was stopped when Kathrine summoned a fireball and aimed it at me.

'If you take a step into the tunnel then I'll shoot this fireball at you.' She threatened and Eliza's side, fireball in hand and staring at me. 'How are you feeling?'

'Fine, but my arm still hurts.' Eliza replied not looking at her arm.

'Yeah, he bit it pretty bad but I put some disinfection stuff on your hand and wrapped it up. So, you should be fine but just tell us if it starts getting really bad, okay?' Kathrine said and Eliza have a small nod.

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