Chapter 10

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Ava and I were trying to get out of the new den but the Deltas wouldn't move.

'Please! We have to go and help them!' Ava pleaded.

'Aaron said nobody leaves.' One of them said.

'I don't care what he says!' I said and pushed at them with all of my might. I saw some of them slip and continued until one of them gave me enough space to run out and help.

'Run, Eugene!' Ava said as a gap opened by her. I quickly stopped and bolted into the gap grabbing Ava in the process. We said everyone growling and barking at the tunnel but I couldn't see anything that they were growling and barking at.

'What do you think they're barking at?' I asked.

'Not what. Who.' Ava said. 

'Well, I'm gonna check it out.' I said and walked up to where they were all acting up.

'Enough! You are all trespassing! My pack will hear about this!' Said a female voice and then I heard footsteps going into the tunnel.

'Get Eugene!' I heard Aaron call.

'I'm here, Aaron!' I called. I ran over to where Aaron was and saw him looking at Olivia. She was panting while lying on the ground. 'What happened to her?'

'They had weapons.' Aaron said. I nodded and quickly picked up Olivia.

'I'll get her to the Healers.' I said and began running to the den. 'Let me in!'

'Wha-' The bravest one said but stopped when they saw Olivia. They all parted and I ran to where the Healers were.

'What happened to her?' Leah asked. (Leah's a Healer by the way.)

'Aaron says that the thing by the tunnel had weapons.' I explained urgently. Leah nodded and I put Olivia down on a rock.

'You should go and help Aaron. He'll need it.' Leah said and I nodded running over to the tunnel again.

'What's going on?' I asked.

'We're waiting it out. They said that they'll tell the other pack leader about us.' Aaron explained staring at the tunnel.

'Didn't you make a deal with the pack?' I asked confused.

'I did. He must've not told the rest of the pack.' Aaron said and I decided to stay here with them. I sat down on the rock that Ava and I hung out. We heard paws walking against the leaves and I saw two males coming out of the tunnel. 

'Hey, Aaron!' One of the males - who I'm assuming was an Omega - said walking up to Aaron.

'Hello, Sean.' Aaron said putting his head down in a small greeting.

' Aaron said putting his head down in a small greeting

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'Alright, that's enough, Sean. Don't want to scare him off.' The other male said with his voice sounding deep. 

'Okay, Markimoo!' Sean said and went behind the Alpha - I'm assuming

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'Okay, Markimoo!' Sean said and went behind the Alpha - I'm assuming. 

'We're sorry for the trouble with Ace. We didn't realise that she had left the meeting while I was telling everyone about you.' Mark said.

'It's fine, she didn't know.' Aaron said.

'Hey, why don't we trick her into thinking we snatched your human...what's his name?' Sean asked me.

'Eugene.' I replied smiling warmly.

'So, here's the plan.' Sean said and explained what we were going to do.

'Sound like a plan.' I said and we set the plan into action.

Hey, guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope that you know the new wolves that I added in this chapter. I will be adding other ones that you might know but you'll have to wait and see who they are. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I will see you next time! Peace!

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