Chapter 14

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I sat with Max on the rock eating some meat. 

'Do you know if you have any siblings?' Max asked.

'Where did this come from?' I asked jokingly.

'I heard mom ask Aaron. I wanted to know for myself.' Max explained.

'Well, yes. I have an older sibling but I don't know what they look like or where they even are' I said. 

'Max!' I heard Riley call.

'Coming!' Max shouted back. 'I'll see you later, Uncle Eugene.'

'Bye, Max.' I said waving and Max ran back to his mom. I sighed and lied down.

'You really like lying down don't you?' Ace's voice asked.

'It's relaxing.' I said simply. I looked next to me and saw Ace lying down too.

'It is.' She said sighing.

'Remember when you asked me about if I had a sibling?' I asked suddenly.

'Yeah?' She said but it sounded more like a question.

'Well, I do have a sibling. But I don't know anything about them. I just know their surname is Adams.' I confessed.

'That's great!' Ace exclaimed. She got off of the rock and I sat up looking at her puzzled.

'What are you doing?' I asked.

'Well, I'm going to help you find your sibling of course!' She exclaimed and took my hand. I saw some red on her cheeks but I brushed it off. (NUUUUUU!!! How could you!?!? *cries while sobbing 'the ship! It must sail!')

'How are we going to do this?' I asked as she led me into the forest.

'We're going to go into town, well I don't know what we'll do then but we'll figure it out.' Ace explained and I laughed. She looked at me quizzically. 'What's so funny?'

'You.' I replied smiling. Ace stuck her tongue at me and I stuck mine at her too.

'Where did the pack find you?' Ace asked suddenly stopping.

'Follow me.' I said and started walking to the crash. When we got there Ace stared at it.

'Do you know where the town is?' She asked and I nodded. I motioned her to follow me and we started walking down the road. 

'Do you think we'll find them?' I asked. Ace smiled at me and nodded confidently.

'Of course, we'll find them. 'Cause we're not stopping until we do.' She said and I smiled softly at her confidence.

'This is it.' I replied when I saw cars driving on tar roads.

'It looks...a lot different to what I had in mind.' Ace said sounding a bit disappointed.

'That's what I said when I came here!' I exclaimed. We both laughed and started walking towards one of the malls.

'Excuse me, sir?' Ace asked someone outside of a shop.

'Yes?' They asked sounding irritated. He then looked at Ace and he straightened up not even noticing me.

'Hi, I just wanted to ask. Do know anyone who has the last name, Adams?' Ace asked and the man smiled kindly. I had to resist the urge to take her hand and ask someone else.

'Yeah, she comes into town every day in search of her lost brother, Eugene Adams.' I sucked in a breath when he said my name.

'Well, do you know when she'll come again?' Ace asked.

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