Chapter 2.1 - Thank You, Nya~

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School finally ended and good news is that we don't have any homework that needs to be done for this week.

I stretched my arms with a sigh of relief as I packed my things carefully and making sure that the necessary things is in my bag.

'Yes! Done and...done!!', I thought as I zipped my bag, 'Good thing there's no homework today. This may give me a lot of time to shop before my weekend will start once again, so exciting~'.

I smiled and got up from my desk just to stretch after sitting down all day.

Just when I was about to run towards the entrance, I was stopped when somebody pulled me over and it turned out to be none other than Naoki.

"W-Woah!", I said and put my hands in front of him, "You almost scared the living daylights out of me, Nao-kun".

My childhood friend laughed at me and ruffled my hair, leaving me pouting.

"Anyways, what's up? I'm about to head at the nearby shopping district", I said and fixed my hair.

Naoki made a concerned expression and his eyes started shift from left to right.

"Oh, um, actually, I wanted to ask you if you are okay on your own. You sure you don't want me to accompany you or anything at all?", he said with concern and a smile curled up into his lips.

I shook my head and laughed saying, "No no, it's fine! You go on ahead if you have other things to do rather than your Tennis club meeting since you don't have one today".

He raised a brow and said, "You sure?".

"Of course! I'll be quick and I have to head to Oba-chan's bake shop", I replied seriously but with a smile.

He sighed with a nod and said, "Alright, just be careful on your home, okay? Contact me if you run into trouble".

I smiled as I nodded back at him and waved him goodbye when I rushed outside.

Oh Naoki-kun. 

It's always been that way ever since we were kids. There will always come a time where he'll always stay by my side as a protective big brother. 

It kinda reminds me of the time when I almost got bullied by some kids in the playground.


"Let's see here..."

I arrived at the shopping district just as planned and the selection that I found so far have great quality of male clothes.

I just stumbled upon a nice brand that one of the boys use nowadays and I think this will fit Shiro-kun.

"Ooh! This one is good. Blue might suit him-Oh! Wait, there's baby blue one and-Oh my gosh, there's even a cute shirt here that might suit him too"

Man, so this is what it feels like to buy clothes for a guy. Thinking about just made my heart race all of a sudden and I'm not sure why.

I smiled to myself and after a few searches through the store, I finally finished finding at least a few affordable clothes for Shiro-kun: two shirts, two pants and shorts, one hoodie and one pair of outdoor shoes.

Yeah, I think this should be enough for Shiro's wardrobe.

I proceed to the counter and payed for all the clothes I found then exited the shop.

'Shiro's gonna love these clothes that I got for him!'

I pull out my notebook from my bag and checked my to do list just to be sure if I bought everything.

"Let's see, clothes for Shiro. Check! Then food..."

Oh yeah, food.

I checked my wallet and all that's left is 1,000 yen.

'Phew, I still have enough to buy food for Shiro', I thought to myself with a sigh of relief, 'I have to find the supermarket quick before the sun sets and I have to visit Oba-chan too'.


I opened the door of my apartment door feeling a bit tired from the trip and when I got inside, I was greeted by a big warm hug that came out of nowhere.

"Welcome home, (Y/N)-chan!!"

I screamed and Shiro wrapped his arms around me, pulling into a hug while rubbing his cheek against mine.

"O-Oh, Shiro-kun", I said and can't help but squeal from how adorable he was.

"Teehee, I'm so glad you arrived back home! I was wondering when you're coming back-Oh! Are bags?", said Shiro as he looked at the shopping bags that I'm holding.

I smiled at him and walked towards the couch so I can bring out the clothes that I brought while I set aside the grocery bags and sweets from Oba-chan's bakery.

"Well, you're residing here so I might as well give you something to wear and...", I said as I gave him some of the clothes that I bought for him.

Shiro's ears twitched excitedly as he examined his very own clothing with sparkles in his eyes while I brought out some of Oba-chan's sweets.

"...I have here some cupcakes and other sweets from my grandma's bakery", I said, showing him the sweets.

But to my surprise, he wasn't looking at the sweets.

"W-Wooahh. These clothes...", he said in awe, while slowly building up his excitement, "It's so soft!!".

I laughed knowing that he's paying more attention to his own clothes than sweets.

"Yep, I got you these because I had a feeling it might suit your taste", I said and patted his head reassuringly, "You can use these set of clothes everyday. Then, these pajamas will be your night wear!".

Shiro's eyes sparkled once more and when it shifted towards me, he immediately spread his arms to give me a big warm hug.

"Nyaaa~", said Shiro, feeling super happy like he received something that is precious to him, "Thank you, nya~. I...never felt this happy when I receive things like these...".

He looked at me with his aquatic eyes and said, "Is it because its from you?~ Or...".

I laughed and gently stroked his hair saying, "You're so cute, Shiro-kun. I really appreciate the thought and to be completely honest with you, seeing you happy makes me happy too".

Shiro's lips curled into a cute grin and nuzzled his nose against mine.

"Yay~ (Y/N)-chan is happy too, nya~", said Shiro, "Let's continue making each other happy, okay? Seeing your smile makes my ears dance, nya~".

From his sweet words, this made my heart flutter for some reason and my cheeks are glowing red.

Weird, I'm a bit confused with this feeling. Is it because its hot in here-Oh maybe! Yeah, that might be it!

I pretended that I'm feeling this way because its a bit warm and afterwards, Shiro and I shared sweets from Oba-chan's bakery as we tell each other's stories.

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