Chapter 1.6 - Morning Surprises! (C)

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I groaned and turned off my alarm clock.

Morning have arrived in the blink of an eye and I can't help but sleep some more. Although, I don't think this opportunity will ever come true since I have school today.

When I started to shift slightly, I felt something against my back like a figure sleeping beside me.

Oh no.

I gulped and a bunch of possibilities of this situation has entered my head which made me nervous even more.

'No no! Don't panic, it's okay. Just look and see. Argh, hope it's not something I imagine at night'

I calmed myself down and when I finally turned around, my eyes widened like round plates when I found a naked young boy that looks one year younger than me with cat ears and a tail.

Wait, what?! 

I screamed and when my actions started to take control, I got off the bed and without thinking, I fell to the ground (not too hard though).

My heart is pounding so hard and I must admit though, the boy is really cute especially if he's sleeping like this.

'Okay okay, no more second thoughts! That's just weird! Still, who is this? How did he get here? And where's neko-chan?! What happened to my neko-chan?! And why is he naked even?!'

So many question entered my mind upon witnessing the naked boy sleeping soundly on my bed and here I thought this week is already enough giving me surprises.

But actually, this one took me to another direction. Is it too much to ask?!

Gosh, what's happening in my life?

I tried to calm down and but my heart stopped when I heard a soft and rather, cute voice coming from the boy with cat ears and tail.

I watched the cat person carefully as he shifted and mumbled cutely in his sleep.

"Ahh, I had a good sleep. That warm milk sure was yummy last night. I should ask her again, hehe"

'W-Wait, warm milk? Eh?! Could it be...'

Before I could stand up and recollect my thoughts, the boy started to wake up and slowly sat up from the bed which put me into a halt.

He rubbed his eyes and started stretching like a cat but before he could remove the bed sheets, he saw my presence and his curled into a cat-like smile. 

 "Oh~It's you! You're awake! Hehe, finally!"  

He was about to get out of the bed but with my quick instincts, I stopped him by waving my hands in front of him.

"Wait!! Don't get out of the bed just yet! You're...uh..."

He stopped and almost wanted to give me a big hug when he opened his arms for me.

"Eh? (Y/N)-chan?", said the boy sadly.

I gasped as he spoke my name and after a few seconds of surprise, realization hit me like a bus.

"Weird, you said my name. Could you be...the cat that I saved yesterday?", I questioned and tried to keep my cool as I held my heart from beating so fast.

The boy giggled and replied, "Yep, that's me! Thank you so much for taking me. You have no idea how lonely I was! And I'm very lucky to have someone who's really cute too, teehee~".

My heart jumped upon hearing his response and tone of his voice which I can't help adoring it.

"O-Oh you're very welcome but before anything else...", I said and went to my room to find some spare clothes for him.

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