Chapter 1.4 - Night Encounter

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I finally exited the train station and along the way, I was able to stop by my grandmother's, Aiko (L/N), bake shop next to the train station so I can pay her a visit once in a while.

My grandmother is a very talented baker and she loves to serve pastries and bread to other people and she's the reason why I moved here because apparently, she's the only family member who lives in Tokyo so if I ever need family assistance, then she's the person that I could approach to.

"Oba-chan (Grandmother)!", I called out as I entered the bake shop.

My grandmother, who was inside the kitchen, came out and as soon as she saw me, her face was lifted and approached me quickly.

"(Y/N)! It's good to see you again! How's school coming for you? Had a good day?", my grandmother said as she gave me a hug.

I laughed and answered honestly, "Oh, it's pretty normal. Not much to discuss but I have homework to do".

My grandmother nodded and said, "Haha, that's good to hear. Anyways, are you here for some another slice of my cakes again? You look like you wanted one, dear".

I smiled brightly as I nodded before my grandmother would go back to the kitchen excitedly to get my slice of cake, (Name of your favorite cake).

Hours came by and I was able to tell my grandmother the stories while eating some cake while she shared one of her recipes that I never heard of.

It's been a while since I spent time with her and the last I visited her was when Hitoshi wanted to taste my grandmother's cakes.

Oh wait, Hitoshi again. Don't think about it, (Y/N).

I said good-bye to my grandmother with a smile and exited the bakery so I could head home.

The sky was already dim with twinkling stars and when I checked my watch, it was already 6:00 pm.

'Oops, I overstayed in Oba-chan's. Oh well, I better head home quick before something comes out of the shadows'


I was already a few blocks away from my home and maybe if I could run, I would be there in no time but unfortunately, I just ate so I had to walk all the way there for a while.

I was strolling while listening to some tunes on my phone then suddenly, water drops came down to my screen and before I knew it, the sky was already showering me.

"Oh come on!! Can this day get anymore fantastic?!", I said to myself as I frowned.

I put away my phone and earphones as I rummaged through my bag again and brought my umbrella.

I walked through the narrow road with my umbrella and tried not to slip or fall over in the hard pavements.

As I turned left, my house was already 3-5 meters away now and just when I was about to get a head start, I heard meowing coming from the sidewalk.

When I turned my head to the source of the sound, I saw a gray cat under a box that was about to torn off and it looked the little fella is shivering from how cold the weather is now.

"Oh no"

I decided to approach the gray cat and knelled down while trying to make a small gap between us just to make sure he might be quite annoyed to see me out here in the rain.

I can't help but feel sorry for the little guy. He has no home, no food, and no companion.

Just looking at cat right now makes me feel quite sad and since I have a soft side for cats, I can't help but pet it or cuddle with it.

'I can't just leave it alone in the rain like this. It might catch cold and worse, it might get sick'

I removed my school jacket and called out to the cat softly, "Hey, neko-chan. You're gonna get sick if you stay there to long".

The cat looked at me with curiosity and I could've sworn I saw sparkles or hope in it's eyes.

"Don't worry, you're gonna be fine. I want to take you home and take care of you. I might as well need a companion, hehe", I said and all of a sudden, I started shivering.

I brought my umbrella from my bag and motioned the cat for it to come to me.

At first, the cat was observing me then eventually the cat ran towards me and landed on my chest.

"Ah! Woah, you're pretty fast and-Oh!"

The cat started purring when it started nuzzling it's head against me and I think my heart was about to melt from seeing this moment.

"Aww!! You're so adorable!", I said and hugged it but I went back to reality and realized I have to head home before I catch a cold, "Darn it, I have head home. Better save the squealing for later".

I got from the ground and ran through the neighborhood to find my house under the cloudy yet wet sky.

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