~Does your Heart Hurt?

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Do you feel PAIN and desperately want to get out of it?

The CURE is to give your heart to the One Who Created it because only He knows how to handle it. He will never rip it apart unlike this world. After all, He is the One Who made it.

Your heart wasn't created to be given to this world. That's why when you do so, you get only pain in return.

It's bound to happen because when your heart is in the wrong place, it will definitely be messed up.

Place it in the hands of its Creator and you will find the peace and comfort you have been looking for.

Instead of blaming others for stomping on our hearts, we should questions ourselves why we let them do that in the first place and have any control over it?

A BROKEN HEART is the result of following one's own DESIRES.

OBEY ALLAH alone , be His slave instead of becoming a slave of this world and the peace and happiness of your life will be restored.

DUA: ''O Allah! Controller of the hearts, direct our hearts to Your obedience" AMEEN

Allahumma musarrifal-qulubi, sarrif qulubana 'ala ta'atik. (Muslim)

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