-Do not Belittle Anything

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"I wish you knew what I have in my heart for you, but there is no way for you to know except by my actions."

Umar ibn Al Khattab (radiAllaahu 'anhu) [Taareekh At-Tabaree, 4/409]

'Uthaimeen: "Whenever You Fulfil the Needs of Your Brother, Allaah will Fulfil Your Needs ... Do not Belittle Anything."

Shaikh 'Uthaimeen, may Allaah have mercy on him, said, "Whenever you fulfil the needs of your brother, Allaah will fulfil your needs, so increase in performing good deeds, increase in acts of beneficence [ihsaan]-and do not belittle anything, even if it is only a little-the Prophet ﷺ said, "[O Muslim women,] never belittle any gift you give your neighbour even if it is the hoof [فرسن] of a sheep." [Bukhari and Muslim]. The فرسن is found in the hoof of a sheep and it is something trivial and insignificant, i.e., do not even belittle this negligible thing."

Sharh Riyaadis-Saalihin, vol. 4, p. 295.

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