Chapter 1

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It's 3:17 a.m. What the hell am I doing up right now? I ask myself. I look over to see my slumbering sister. Aww you're so beautiful Stacey. It feels weird to stare at her. I kind of think she might open her eyes and scare me so I look back up to the cieling. I think about what I'm going to do for the next 4 hours because I know that I'm not gunna be able to go back to sleep. Shoot! I have a test tomorrow! Ugh. I hate school. I get up and trip over my fuzzy socks but catch myself. I walk past the hall to go to the kitchen. The wood on the floor is really cold and I soon regret my decision to get up. Oh well, no turning back now.

Even thought I know there's nothing to eat, I still look thinking maybe the food fairy dropped by. Not. I grab a bottle of water and take a small sip. I walk back to my room and check my phone for any messages from Emma. I hope she will hurry up and just break up with Cole. He's giving her way too many problems. For a slight second I think what it would be like to be with him. I shake the thought out of my mind and see a message from Emma.

"Omg Alyssa I don't know what to do!" she says.Haha.. wrong person to tell.I absolutely suck at advice. Trying to think of what to say, I look at the clock and realize it's only still 3:21 a.m. I'm probably going to fail my test tomorrow. The thought just makes me tired and I decide to just text Emma later. I lay my head on the pillow and start to drift off. I dream that I'm finally with Tyler. He's soooo perfect! He plants soft kisses on my lips and I smile brighter than ever.

I soon wake to the sound of my guitar strum alarm. Of course. It was only a dream. Why would he ever kiss a loser like me? I remind myself. I rub my eyes and want to just go back to sleep, but I know I need to eat breakfast this morning if I want to get at least a C on my test. I look at Stacey one more time and now she's facing the other wall. Well, I guess I better get up now.

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