not a story

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Since I'm tagged.. well...


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1. Full Name
Euginia Laurensia Limarya (so long dem)

2. Age
15 (not officially yet)

3. Hobby
I actually do everything art 😂😂, I like listening to song and writing weird stories.

4. Birthday
23 October 2002

5. Fav. Band or Singer
Bands: of course KPOP, specially Bigbang, Exo, A.C.E, Blackpink, NCT, Day6, etc. For western, One Republic.

6. Fav Cartoon or Anime
Uhm.. do I have any.. like cartoons I like Spongebob and any other cartoons.. 😂😂😂 I like a lot of animes.. I can't mention 1 by 1

7. Fav. Color
Black, Dark Pink, Blood Red, Purple, White

8. What am I afraid of
Idk.. I can't really tell myself.

9. Do u like despacito
Uhh.. I don't really like the song.. but it is catchy tho.. like really. I don't like the song. But I still listens to it.




Do I need to tag anyone..?
Nah I won't just let it be. 😂😂 Thx for tagging me.

This is not a story.. I don't have a special book for this thing 😂😂 I'm sorry.




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