Chapter 18

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"What is this..." he said in an angry and annoyed voice.

"Fuck. Eh. I- its.. its frappé.."

"Damn.. you're so lucky I wore 2 layer here, Y/n.."

"Huwa.. don't be angry I'm so sorry.. I was looking at the store.. I wanted to buy the doll which might be a cushion or seat pillow I don't know but its so cute." My voice is decreasing in volume as I talked.

"Since you make friends with us your mouth can't be stopped huh?"

"I guess..."

"Anyways.  Other than just looking at it. Go buy.."

"I don't have money for it....." I started get teary. I mean my eyes.

When y/n eh you sees cute things.. she, I mean you will hope for it a lot.

"What kind of person came to the mall in that clothing but not bringing any money" he protested.

"I was low of money.. its the end of the month suga. And I haven't got new job. Only monthly from dad."

"Why won't you call me oppa? I'm older than you. You know.."

"What? You wanna be called one?"

"No.. not really.. tho.." he looked away I think he's hiding something.

"Aw.. c'mon.. I'm not a full blood. I didn't grow up here."

"Y/n!!!!!" Suddenly a voice cried out. Eh I mean a loud voice calling my name.

I turned back and see Seohye. In her.. clothes of course.

"Who was that???" She pointed somewhere behind me where Suga was standing I suppose.

"Su- where did he go?"

There was a silence between me and Seohye before she broke it.

"Okay lets go buy the tickets!"


We watched a nice movie :v its Rings.. that horror movie.. its actually not horror at all but Seohye shout for almost the whole movie.

"Y/n.. don't ever watch horror movies again.. kay?"

"Haha fine.." I laughed a little.

We went for lunch but I only have a burger. Because.. of course I'm low of money. Thanks to Seohye she actually treated me for the movie.

ㅠwㅠ  she's so niceee


(P. O. V. Author)

Months has passed you haven't been hearing much from both Suga and Bts. They're too busy. And yeah Suga haven't confessed his feelings. Now you doubt his feelings even though all member told you he has it.
And by the way your group did good on the presentation and got the highest score. You and your friends finishes college with happiness.

Today is the last day you will be in korea. And its also Seohye's birthday. You asked Tae to come with you and guess what. He said okay. You didn't ask Suga because you know Suga is a boring person and Suga isn't a bias of Seohye.

(Back to your p. o. v.)

"Woop!" You exclaimed as you woke up, sitting up straight right after you opened your eyes.

At least I've done packing yesterday so today I'm free. I'm thinking of buying some present for Seohye then sleep again.. because I might have jet lag tomorrow when I arrive on Canada..

I put on a better clothes then went out to look for a present. I don't know what to buy for Seohye.. first of all she's all rich.. and she has got a lot of albums.. so I can't buy her that. ! O yeah. She wanted ARMY BOMB.. damn I don't think I have money for it.. oh.. of course I have. I've just recieve my monthly money.

So I looked for a K-pop store and bought an Army bomb.. the 2nd version of course. And I pack it with a bad packing so it looked awful :v. On purpose.

Went back to my bed and sleep.


"Haaa?!" I woke up finding I sleep through my alarm. If I didn't hurry I will be late for the party.

#door being knocked#

'Shit' I swear under my breath.

"Just a second!" I tidied my hair as I walked to the door and opened it.

"Yah? Y/n you just woke up???" Tae is standing there.

".. yeah :'v guess what I slept through my alarm.. " I said with a bitter smile.

"You should go take a quick shower.. you looked messy.." he said pinching my cheek.

"Ouch. Hey I'm still older than you." I said.

"Hehe mian." He giggles as he pushed me in. "Hurry.. we're gonna be late."

"Fine mom." I said running to shower and took a quick bath. I put on some light make up to cover my panda eyes.


"You're so fast." He commented.

After that we quickly starts engine and drove to seohye's


To Be Continued

Yehet. Y/n is leaving.. what do you think will happen????



Broken heartedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora