The Past Strikes Back

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***Lisbon's POV***

After reading it, I couldn't stand it anymore. I sat down on the floor with my back against the bed, with my arms around my legs and my head between my knees. I spent like that hours, crying. The mobile started to ring one time, and another and another, but my muscles didn't respond.

It was about 11 o'clock when someone entered the house and found me crying on the floor. Before she started to make the questions she saw the letter on the bed. When she read it she sat besides me and talked to me.

-If he thinks like that, is that he doesn't deserve you Teresa.

I got my head out of my knees but still couldn't talk to Grace. I just couldn't stop crying.

-I will go to the kitchen to prepare you some breakfast.- She offered.

In like about four minutes I was finally calmed down, so I got up and went towards the kitchen. Grace prepared some tea for me and some coffee and some pancakes for both of us.

-Thanks Grace, I really appreciate all of this.- I told her.

-It's ok,  do you feel like going to the office?- She asked me.

-Yes, I'm better now. Thanks again.

When we finished having breakfast I got dressed and we went to the office in our respective cars.

I got off the car and I went to our floor. When I got there I saw someone sitting on my chair at my desk. Suddenly my body began to fill up with hope, but when I got closer I saw that his hair wasn't blond or curly.

No, the man sitting on my chair was higher than Patrick and had short black hair. I knew him, but he couldn't have gone to the FBI in a worse moment.

-Hello Marcus.-I greeted him as he turned around in my chair.

-Hello Teresa, good to see you!

-What are you doing here Marcus?- I went straight to the point.

-I had to do something in Texas and I decided to come here to see you.- Hey answered.- I see that everything is pretty good, congratulations! How is everything going with Patrick?

-Pretty fine as you can see.- I lied to him. His visit was a little strange. It was weird, something bad was going on.

-I have to go to do something, but it is good to see you Marcus.- I told him as an idea went through my mind.

I quickly went to the elevator and I got out of the building. I got into the parking and jumped inside the car. I drove home. When I got there I jumped off the car and hurried towards the door. I threw my handbag to the couch and ran to the bedroom. I grabbed the letter that was left over the bed before we had gone that morning and started to analyse it.

I went through all the things that went to my mind. It was his letter, it was his sign, but then I realised that there were some words that where written with a different tone than the others. I went to my office with the letter in my hand and grabbed a pen and a paper. I started to write the words that were written in bold.


I quickly grabbed my phone and called Van Pelt.

While Van Pelt was on his way I made the call I didn't want to make, but I had to call him, he had to know that his brother had been kidnapped. But during the phone call I changed my mind and I asked him to come home.

Van Pelt arrived with the whole team and I asked them to sit down. I asked them if they wanted something to drink and gave them the drinks. I then showed them the letter.

-He signed the letter and it has his calligraphy, but if you look at it there are certain words that are darker.- I said and gave them the paper in which I had written all the words.

-You are right, he is in danger, I will go to the FBI and make an alert and open the case.- Cho said.

-We will find him Teresa.- Rigsby said.

They all went to the FBI as Derek got to my house.

-Come in, have a sit.- I greeted him.

-Where is my brother?- He asked me.

-That is what I wanted to talk about.- I answered him.- He has gone missing. This morning I found a letter that said that he had gone and that he was the one that made that decision,  but he made a code in the letter that said that someone kidnapped him.

-What can I do to help you?- He asked.- I want to help Patrick, after all this years he is my brother, and he is now part of my family.

-Yeah, I know, he is also my family and I don't want to raise our child on my own.- I told him.- Did he tell you something?

-No, I know the same as you. I need to do something, call me if there's any information or if you find him.


He went out of the house and I then went to bed, I was very very tired.

Sorry for all this time without posting, but I've had lots of exams. Next chapter will be posted soon.

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