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***Jane's POV***

We got up early in the morning and went to work.

I was very nervous, almost like the day before. I was going to see my brother again and I was going to tell my "family" (friends) that I had a real family. And my brother would figure out that he was going to be uncle in an early future.

Time passed very, very slowly. A minute seemed like hours to me. I looked at the watch every five minutes thinking that it had passed a lot of time. And I looked at the big clock on the wall of the office and the clock hands moving, Tick, Tack, Tick, Tack. One second, another second, slowly passing by, slowly making a circled movement.

My heart was going the opposite way. It was going too fast that sometimes I could feel that it skipped a beat.

My mind was also going very fast, maybe that's why I thought that the time was very slow. I was thinking of everything that could go wrong: he wouldn't like me as a brother, or my friends and family, maybe my mom could have shown up, maybe he didn't want to be an uncle, maybe I didn't like his girlfriend...

Suddenly my phone started to sound, but it wasn't a phone call, it was the alarm I had put myself to go and eat something with Teresa before heading to the cafeteria.

I got up and so did Teresa. We walked to the elevator and went to the FBI lobby to head to a restaurant.

At the restaurant time passed faster as I was with the love of my life and could distract my mind and my heart from the worry.

It was 15:30 when we finished eating, so we decided to go for a walk to a park that wasn't too far away from the bar we had to go after it.

We went for the walk and we grabbed our hands as we were young lovers who had just gotten together. We spent all the time talking about our future lifes and about us in general. It was nice, because we had finally gotten a free time without any distractions or anything else, except for the meeting that would have place half an our after it.

We started to go to the place where we were going to meet and when we got there we found that the whole team was already there. Like always, just a little bit early.

-Hello.- I greeted them.- Thanks for coming here. We are not the only ones that are going to be here this afternoon. There's an special guest. He will be here in a minute or so.- I informed them.

We took a place and sat down. The waitress came to our table but we told her that we were waiting for some people and we moved a table next to ours so that we had more space and more chairs.

He arrived just when we were finished moving the chairs and the table.

-Hello Patrick. I will present you my friends. This is Emma, you already know her, this one here is John, we met in the university and we have been friends since then,  this is Robert, he works with me at the company and this is Amanda, she also works with me.- He presented all of her friends.

-Hello, well,- now was my turn with the presentations- this one is Van Pelt, we have known each other for a long time and we worked toguether before the FBI and she just joined the FBI team, just like his husband, Wayne Rigsby. That one with the neutral expression is Kimball, he also worked withe before this, but now he is my boss at the FBI. That one is Wilye and he works with us in the FBI. And for last but not least, she is Teresa, my beautiful wife.- Her cheeks went red right after I said that.

-Guys, - I looked at my friends- this is my brother Derek.

Everybody's face changed to a state of incredulity. Even Cho's face changed.

-Since when you know you've got a brother?- Rigsby asked.- You didn't told us anything.

-I met my brother yesterday, but he knew it just from the night before we met, so we are all as you guys are right now.- My brother answered the question.

-Patrick, you are kidding me, we have just met and now you tell me that I'm not only a small brother, but an uncle too.

I nodded with my head (he had just seen Teresa's bump that was at that moment a little bit noticeable) and he hugged me and Teresa. It was a little bit weird, but I could get used to it.

We sat down and continued talking. Then the waitress came and she got our command.

-I would like some tea please.- Derek said.

Wow,he was really my brother. He liked tea like me. He was similar to me in the face, but I hoped he was not too similar to me in the mood way. I would know it with the time, but I was happy. All my worries were gone. I got along with his friends and he got along with mines. We stayed there talking about our lifes, about our works, and just having a good time.

It was time to go home and we agreed that we would meet each other the sooner or the later.

That morning I was told that I was out of the case because my family was inside the case and I had to stay away. That was better and I could concentrate in my wife and our little one.

Sorry for the delay. I have no excuse, I just didn't post. If we get to 700 views I'll do a Q&A for the next chapter. Just send me a private message or comment the question in this chapter.

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