The Mysterious Door

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***Jane's POV***

I found myself at the bathroom conforting Teresa in the morning. Even when she is ill, she looks so perfect, so pretty and wonderful. That was the day we would tell the others the good news. They're my family, the family I never had.
Looking to my past I start thinking if I will be a good father. I had a very weird father, and last time I had a kid, it didn't turn out to be a good experience in the end.
With this family I feel good and safe, I feel loved. Their aprovement was very important to me, more than I will never say to them.
-Patrick?-She asked me.- Patrick? Are you ok?-She asked again while shaking me.
-Mmm, what?-I told her because I didn't hear what she said.
-What are you in?-She asked again.
-Ahh, I was just thinking, I'm sorry.
-Do you want to talk about it?-She asked me.  
-Never mind.- I answered her.
After that I lent foward and kissed her.
We spent the whole afternoon preparing dinner. We made pasta with meatballs and tomato sauce. That was the food my mum prepared before leaving dad and I in special moments.

~~~~~~~~~Later that night~~~~~~~~~~

Ding. The doorbell rang. I went to the door and opened it finding Grace, Wayne, Kimball and Wiley.
-Hello, come in.-I offered them.
-Hello.- They all answered at the same time.
They all entered home one by one hugging me as they did it. They found Teresa preparing the last things from the table. Then all of us went to the living room to have something.
-What do you guys want to drink?-I asked them.
-I would like some wine, if you don't mind.-Wayne answered my question.
-I would like it too.-Grace continued.
-So do I.- Finished Kimball and Wiley at the same time.
-Yeah, ok. And what do you want Teresa?
-Water is all right. Thank you.- She answered smiling at me.
I went to the kitchen to get the drinks. I got myself some water too. I got four cups and a new bottle of wine we had bought. I got two glasses of water and the bottle opener.
-Wow, the house is beautiful, it has improve a lot since we last came.- Grace told us.
-Yes, if you'd like we can show you the whole house after dinner.- She offered her with a huge smile.
-Yes,it will be very nice.-Grace answered.
After that little speaking we went to the dining room to eat. I could see in Wayne's eyes that he was very hungry, and that he thought the food looked delicius.
Teresa and I make a great team, we can do lots of things faster, and we complete the other.
Wayne loved the pasta plate, and he ate more than one plate of it. I was so glad they liked it, it is one of the few things I have left from my mother. That thought made me think again. I knew Teresa didn't believe she would be a good mother, but I knew she would be the best mother in the entire world.
-Patrick? -Teresa said.
-Jane? - Kimball continue when Teresa touched my leg under the table.
-What? -I asked.- Oh I'm sorry.
-Are you ok? - Grace asked.
-Yeah I'm fine. -I answered her.- I was only just thinking.
-Are you sure? This is the second time it happens to you today.-Teresa added.
-Yes, I was just thinking, I'm fine. -I answered her before giving her a kiss.- Well,  who wants to see the house? -I asked them already knowing that everybody had finished eating.
-Mmm, me.- Wiley answered me.
-Ok, so let's go then.- I told them getting up from the table.
I had been working on the house since the wedding, and it was almost finished. There were only a few things left, but we could live there already.
I lead them through the corridor to our bedroom, that was completely tidy. Then we went to the bedroom's toilet. I showed them the house, from the yard to the basement, except one room.
-And what's that room? - Cho asked us without saying anything else.
-Oh, yes. We left that room for the last one, because it was a surprise.-Teresa informed them.
-Yes, before opening it, I would like to thank you for coming here tonight with us, and for being there for us when we need you.- I told them almost crying.-You're the family I never had, and that is one of the best things you can give to me. So thank you!
-Oh, you really feel that way? - They asked.-We feel the same way, you are part of our family.
Tiers were falling down everyone's cheeks (except RoboCho). Then we all gave a huge group hug.
-Well, and now, the door. -Teresa said moving next to me.
She opened the door and the guys found the nursery for the baby in which I had been working on.
-No, you are kidding.-Grace stated.
-No we are not, I'm twelve weeks pregnant.
-Really? I am really happy about you guys. - Rigsby added.
-Yes, thank you very much.- I responded.- I wanted to tell you guys that this life that I have now wouldn't have been possible without you, you helped me when I needed to, and you raised me when I had my depressions. You helped me with Red John hunt and with wy revenge although all the thind we did weren't completely legal. Sothank you.
After saying that, even Cho was smiling and they were happy for both of us.

Thanks for all the comments. I will continue updating as soon as possible. PD: Try making this test about which character of the mentalist suits you. ( And please continue with those comment and tell me who are you in the series. Then I will tell you who I am.

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