The Beginning Of Darkness

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Shichi Adorona is my name. I'm 16 years old and in high school. I have long, brown hair and red eyes. My life consists of me going to school, going back home, and beating up idiots that want to annoy me. One of the idiots who never leaves me alone is Miki Kato. He has short, brown hair and brown eyes and always wears a black uniform. That's what they wear at the school he goes to. That asshole never gives up. No matter how many times I knock him down he keeps coming back for more. I have to admit, he has guts. I was walking on my way to school when he showed up again. When will he ever learn?

Miki:Shichi! I'm here for a rematch!

Me:Yea. So you keep saying every time you try to fight me. What is it, about 30 times now?

Miki:Not this time! Here I come!

He charges at me and I dodge. I take my fist and ram it into his stomach. He falls to the ground, blood pouring from his mouth. I may have gone overboard. Ever since I was little, I've always had amazing strength. I know it's because of my secret. Unlike regular people, I have a power in me. How I got it is a different story. I live with my 2 brothers, Shoukku, who has blonde hair and green eyes, and Yoroshii, who has black hair and brown-green eyes. Shoukku was the only brother I had when I got my powers. Yoroshii wasn't born yet. I live in a house that has woods behind it. Years ago, when I was 8, I got bored and wandered into the woods. Bad idea because I later on got lost and somehow wandered into the center of the trees. There, I saw something sparkling on the ground. Being a curious kid, I walked over to it, only to find a black crystal. You can guess what I did next. I picked it up and held it in my hands. It didn't take long for the weirdness to begin. The crystal glowed a dark light which blinded me. However, I was still able to make out the crystal floating into my body and melding with me. That's when I became a reaper. I know what you're thinking. The skeleton with the cloak, a hood, and a scythe, right? Well I was a different reaper. I had a cloak but I didn't wear a hood or had a scythe. Instead, I wielded a demon sword known as Kadojigoku, that was blood red with a black center. I think it had some of the crystal in it. It has a weird handle that curved like a talon and a bondage that would hang off the handle and had a silver ring tied at the end. It was pretty cool. Over the years I had to master my powers. It was then that I realized I was able to see ghosts and, also, I had a sixth sense of when someone was about to die. Whenever I saw a person's ghost I would slash it with my sword and they would disappear somewhere. I never knew where, I just watched as they vanished. That's not all I do though. Demons from the demon realm like to come to the human realm looking for a quick bite. And I mean any humans that just happen to be in the vicinity. I have to try and stop them. Also, I do a little work as a shadow helping out the cops with criminals and killers. There is a problem with my powers though. Whenever I get really mad or stressed out, I release a side of me that I think is the worst ever. You see, when I got my powers, I also unlocked my demon side which makes my eyes become fully red and I can't tell friend from foe. I hate it. It was later, when I was 12, that I had decided to wander back into the woods to the center of the trees where I found the crystal. I didn't know how I got there but I just knew which way to go. That's when I found Henshin, my friend who just happens to be a shape shifter. He wasn't too thrilled about me but later on we became good friends. He only turns into animals and even into a demon for good measure. He loves the snake form and somehow I'm able to talk to him. Henshin always hides from my family considering they never found out about my powers. Lucky for me, my parents always work late and Shoukku doesn't really care for me. I think it's just a way of telling me 'you can take care of yourself so I just won't pay attention to you'. Yoroshii, on the other hand, loves me to death. He'll do almost anything I ask. Little brothers. Sometimes you got to love them. After I defeated Miki, I continued on my way to school. That's when Aomi Tsukima showed up out of nowhere. She's my best friend and the only one not scared of me except for my brothers. She's always wearing a skirt and sandals along with a blouse and has long, red hair and purple eyes, which were pretty interesting. For me, my usual clothing consists of a black tank top, black wristbands, black pants, and black boots. I also wear a belt and it's not black. It's a light gray with a gold buckle on it. Fashionable, right? Aomi somehow decided to latch onto me and stay with me since we were little. I can't tell her about my powers either considering she can't keep a secret worth crap. I found that out the hard way.

Aomi:Hey Shichi! I see you just finished beating Miki. What is that, about 31 times now.

Me:Eh I guess. I just wish he'd leave me alone for once.

Aomi:Well considering he's bent on beating you I don't think he will.

Me:Yea, you're probably right.

I knew she was right but I didn't care enough to think that much about it. When we arrived at the school, Chokichi Ito was waiting there in his usual white, buttoned shirt, black pants, and black shoes. I met him last year and he seemed to latch onto me like Aomi. He stuttered every time he talked to me and I didn't know why. I also like to call him Choki. He smiled when he saw us.

Choki:Hey guys! G-good morning S-Shichi.

Me:Hey Choki.

Aomi:Come on guys. Lets get to class.

At lunch, I was in my usual spot in the tree behind the school. It was a weeping willow that concealed me. I loved weeping willows. I was about to fall asleep when I heard someone yell my name. I looked down to see Miki standing there, a giant grin on his face. Dammit. Why now?

Miki:Get down here and fight me Shichi!

Me:I don't feel like it. Besides, you'll just end up bleeding and going to the hospital again.

Miki:Not this time! Now get down here! Unless you're chicken?

I sighed and jumped down from the comfortable tree branch. I looked at him and he smiled even bigger. I then looked behind me and saw five other boys come out from behind some trees. An ambush. Why am I not surprised? I looked at Miki and shook my head.

Me:Really Miki? Now you're resorting to petty tricks?

Miki:I'll do anything to see you fall! Now get her!

They boys all surrounded me and one tried to punch me but I dodged and kicked him in the jaw. He fell to the ground, his lip busted open and blood coming from his mouth. The next boy thought he could do something and tried to kick me but I dodged. I dodged again when he tried to punch me then balled my fist and punched him in the gut. He fell to the ground coughing up blood then passed out. The other three guys decided to tag team me and attack me all at once. It still didn't work considering I dodged every attack they threw at me and instead ended up on the ground, blood on them and either passed out or close to it. I looked at Miki who had the look of fear in his eyes. He backed away from me.

Miki:You... you're a demon!

He ran as fast as he could with the other boys following him. He was right. I was a demon. And a reaper. But I was still human. I heard the bell ring and I walked back to class. I kept spacing out in class and wasn't paying any attention to what the teacher was saying. I had looked out the window and I thought I spotted something. I couldn't tell for sure but it looked like a flash of black hair.

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