Chapter 13: End and Beginning

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I had been so focused on my other story I forgot about this. And near the end too! I own nothing
Ch 13: Final Gambit
Atem and I sat in silence as we gazed down with loving eyes at the life we had created together through our love. Leo was perfect in every way to me. I'm sure all mothers say that about their newborns, but I couldn't think of anything else to describe him. Atem kept his arms tightly around me, almost as if he were shielding us from the world around us, but I didn't mind. I was just grateful to have such a kind and devoted man as the father of my child. Eventually, the door opened, revealing Mana, Alexandra, Seto, Muhad, and Ori, who immediately jumped onto the bed, startling Leo.
"Shh, shh Leo. It's ok sweetie, mother's here,"
"Sorry (Y/N), but Ori was scratching the door for an hour! He would've clawed his way through if we didn't open the door!" Alexandra exaggerated.
"Besides, they wanted to see our new prince!" Mana snickered.
Ori crawled to me, rubbing his head on my cheek, before grazing at my now sobbing son. Leo then caught sight of the little reptile and ceased his crying, gazing at him with large and curious eyes. Ori gave him a sniff before Leo squealed in joy and reached for him. My white companion backed up a bit, before cautiously moving to nudge my son, making him laugh all the more. The scene warmed my heart to no end, knowing that Ori would be just as loyal to my child as me.
"He strong, not sickly in the slightest. He'll make a fine ruler one day," Muhad said with pride oozing from his voice. Seto sighed.
"Well with a mother like his, what do you expect,"
"That is the single, nicest thing you have said to me Seto," Alexandra began to play with Leo's hands.
"He's so cute! Oh, I want one now!" Seto went red as Atem slapped him on the back.
"You heard the woman cousin!" We laughed before Muhad cleared his throat.
"I hate to be the one to break this joyous occasion, but we must speak of the spy,"
"Spy?" Atem's grip tightened, making Leo whimper. Mana looked just as confused.
"I did hear a commotion outside. What happened?"
"A spineless fool made an attempt on both the queen's and the prince's live," Seto growled. My blood froze. I knew who had orchestrated this plot, and I knew he would not stop until my baby was dead.
"Bakura will have to kill me first before he lays one hand on my family!"
"Perhaps less drastic measures, my king," Muhad offered. "We must put an end to this madness," I looked down at Leo, who had manage to fall back to sleep, when an idea came into my head.
"Then let us make him think he's won," they stared at me.
"Bakura more than likely wished to break you dear through our deaths. If he thinks he's succeeded, he'll come here to finish you himself. It would be the perfect time to capture him," Alexandra nodded.
"I agree, it would be the best opportunity to catch the Thief King off guard,"
"But how would we deliver the message that the queen is dead to him?" Seto asked.
"Didn't you say he had a spy try and carry out this plot?"
"(Y/N), no! That coward cannot be trust, nor can he be released for trying to take you and Leo from me, probably for wealth!"
"Atem, one of 100 lowly spies, or the Thief King which would ensure a safer future for our son?" He was silent before sighing.
"I don't want either of you in danger,"
"Leo can be guarded by Seto, Muhad, Mana, Alexandra, Ori, Spirit, and whatever men they choose, but we face Bakura together!"
"(Y/N), no, if something were to happen, our son needs his mother!" I took his hand.
"He needs you as well! Our son will live with both of his parents!"
"I can't convince you otherwise?" I smirked.
"Not in 5,000 years," he took a deep breath.
"Muhad, get the prisoner and tell him we have...a proposal for him,"

Bakura POV
Somehow, someway, my little minion had pulled it of! The queen and her brat we dead and the pharaoh was a broken man confined to his bedroom. He'd more than likely thank me for sending to the afterlife at this point!
A moon remove of the queen's death, I snuck into the palace, finally ready to claim what was mine. I entered the Pharaoh's chambers and found him staring out the balcony, his back to me. I smirked. This was all too easy.
I unsheathed my sword, ready to spill his blood, when quick as lightning, he whipped around and blocked my sword with his own!
What?! How could this be!? How did he know I was coming!?
That spy sold me out! No matter, I would kill him anyways. We began a furious cross of blades.
Blow for blow, counter for counter, guard for guard, we were evenly match until I decided to play to my advantage. I grabbed the bed sheet and threw it on, blinding him long enough for my killing blow.
However, a painful strike to my skull stopped me in my tracks and sent me to the floor as the world began to darken. I looked up and saw the queen, alive and with a victorious smile on her face.
"It's over Bakura, our son will live in a world without you,"
I felt my body being dragged off by guards as I slipped into unconsciousness. How could I have been foiled by this woman?

3 moons had passed since Bakura had been captured. By now he had been...executed publicly. We and the rest of the council had decided he was far too dangerous to be left alive. His final words were curses, that he would haunt us in our lifetimes to come as he was beheaded.
In order to help the nation heal from Bakura's terror, Atem had a presentation of Leo organized to show the royal family was as strong as ever. Much like Atem's birthday, nobles, representatives, and people of all kingdoms came to honor our son with gifts and praise.
Atem took my hand, the one not holding Leo to my chest, as we stepped out onto the balcony, greeted by the cheers of our people. He raised other hand to silence them.
"My people, for many moons, the Thief King Bakura has terrorized our land, but now he is dead!" The people cheered at the mention of his death.
"And to celebrate this new era of peace, I present my first born son, my heir and future Pharaoh: Prince Leo!"
Atem and I took Leo in one hand each and raised him up to be seen by all our people who chanted his name loudly. The baby giggled, not understanding what was going on or why these people were crying out his name. I brought him back to my chest and kissed his head lightly, before my lips were captured by my husband.
"I love you both, so much,"
"And we love you Atem,"
And so I loved him and the many children which came after, even now as my life draws to a close. Even in the afterlife, my love for Atem will continue until the end of time.
Angie closed the book with a blush on her face and a bright smile.
"That was the most romantic thing I have ever read!" Mason chuckled.
"Considering what you read, that's not surprising," she punched him on the shoulder.
"It's hard to believe this was the life of our (Y/N)," Jason stated before getting an angry look in his eye. "If I'd ever run into that Bakura bastard in my afterlife, I'd-!" Silvia put her hand on his shoulder.
"The important thing is that history has been rewritten, the royals got the last laugh, and now our (Y/N) is happily dating her reincarnated lover," the gang nodded before (Y/N) and Yami entered the room holding hands, surprised that the group was still there so late.
"What are you guys still doing here? I've gotta lock up for the night!"
"No worries chief, we were just leaving!" Jason said as he and the others headed for the door. "Wanna walk with us?" Yami put his arm around her.
"Don't worry, I'll walk her home," Angie gave a playful glare.
"Don't get any ideas pretty boy," all of them laughed as the couple was left alone.
"What do I do with them?"
"I saw them put a book down. What story were they reading anyways?" She picked up the journal before smiling fondly.
"Ours. Should we tell them we remember everything? The events in the tomb, our past lives?" He gripped her waist and guided her to the couch.
"Let's let them figure it out," the two cuddled for awhile before Yami left soft kisses on his girlfriend's neck. She moaned.
"Calm down Atem. Getting me pregnant at this age may have been acceptable in ancient Egypt, but not here," he turned her around so she could see his smile.
"I can't help it, you make me love you too much,"
"I love you my Pharaoh,"
"And I love you, my Wind chaser,"
And done! Hope you guys enjoyed the book as much as I enjoyed writing it! I'd like to thank you guys. I never thought it would be this popular! Thank you so much for your support!

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