Chapter 2: Nomadic Warrior

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I own nothing
Being perched atop Spirit allowed me to view the oncoming party of nobles, due to the fact I wasn't very tall compared to others.  Most likely this was the Pharaoh as the old woman had said. As the cheers and trumpeting grew louder, I heard an angry growl originating from my satchel, informing me that my lazy lizard had finally decided to grace us with his consciousness. I slipped my hand into the bag and rubbed down his scales.
"Is his highness grumpy being awakened from his nap?"
I heard a gruff from the sassy little creature and laugh, removing my hard from the warm make shift cradle. I then saw the party more clearly upon hearing the noise increase. At the head of the group was a man around my age atop a snowy mare. Judging from the golden crown adorned on his head, I assumed he was the Pharaoh. I had to admit, he very handsome with his sun kissed skin, red and violet eyes, and chiseled features. I could tell he was an accomplished warrior by the obvious muscles subtly hidden by his garments. The look on his faced didn't seem to match his appearance though. Sure he was smiling, but his eyes looked as if he were in pain. I realized he was mourning his poor citizens upon following his eyes. I smiled. It was obvious to me at least that this was a person who loved and cared for everyone under his rule, something I had found very rarely in my travels. Just as I was about to turn away, the smallest glint of metal hit my eye, almost unnoticeable to anyone else.
Not me though.
My eyes then caught sight of several cloaked figures standing in the shadows, one of which was concealing a notched bow and arrow aimed straight at the Pharaoh. I began pleading at the crowd to make room.
"Stand aside! Move!"
"Find your own spot outsider!" A man spat back at me.
"There's no time for this! Spirit! KEYAH!" I snapped his reins, causing the stallion to leap over the people in front of us. I heard gasps and screams but I ignored, only concentrating on get to the Pharaoh before the bowman could land his mark. The pharaoh had stupor facial expression as I grabbed hold of the side of the mare's bridle, forcing her to rear up and barely dodge the arrow which whizzed past. I wasted no time unsheathing my scimitar once more and charge the would be assassins who now began to swarm the crowd. The bowman tried to fire several arrows at me, only to find my swordsmanship skills more than adequate to block his projectiles. As fought three men at once, having the advantage of being on horseback, and Spirit himself bucked, knocking two men into the road, bleeding and unconscious. A man wielding a club ran straight for me. I reared off and his weapon instead struck the satchel Orito was sleeping in. I chuckled.
"Oh how you are going to regret that,"
I open the bag.
"Orito, get him,"
Blue flames spewed from the satchel as Ori flew out, attacking everything that moved. And I mean FLEW. To be honest, I have no idea what type of animal Ori was. At first I thought he was an albino crocodile with a red scar across his nose, that is until I noticed the wings protruding from his back. Honestly, this was another one of my goals. The little white bundle hurled himself at the fool who disturbed him, knocking him out in one strike and proceeding to his pals. Once Ori joined the fray, the fight was over in no time. Ori perched himself on my outstretched arm like a hawk, glaring at the men.
"Good work boys,"
Spirit suddenly neighed in anger and reared up. I quickly grabbed hold and realized a guard was going for his reigns. I backed him up only to realize we were surrounded by them. Ori growled and big one going for my arm. Spirit jumped over them and we turned to face them.
"That's a fine thank you for doing your job!" I hissed. I man wearing a priest's robes rode ahead of us.
"Seize that woman for assaulting the pharaoh and associating with a shadow beast!"
"Assaulting?! You arrogant snob! If it weren't for me, your pharaoh would look like a hunted pheasant!" Spirit stomped his hoof on the ground, daring the men to get closer while Ori bore his fangs.
"How dare you insult the high priest of Egypt!"
"Oh I'm sorry your rudeness, I was unaware they let such ingrates be high priest!" His face went red with anger. Just as we were about to continue, someone stopped us.
"Enough! Seto, not another word! This woman just saved my life!" The pharaoh yelled. Priesty sunk back and the pharaoh approached us. I dismounted and patted my horse on the neck.
"Thank you for saving my life, I'm grateful,"
"It was no problem, this isn't far from our normal routine," he smiled.
"You must have amazing stories then, though I've never seen you before. Are you a noble visiting?" I laughed.
"While I am visiting, I'm no noble. Just a nomad per say," the priest growled.
"You have quite the horde of treasure for a nomad," I glared at him.
"I double as a treasure, as well as working hands when I can!" He smirked.
"So you're a thief then?"
"I only take what has no owner and is available. I can assure you I am no thief,"
"Seto, please, I owe this woman my life. Stop trying to degrade her," he simply turned his head and horse away.
"My apologies for his behavior. I am Pharaoh Atem and that is my High Priest and cousin Seto,"
"I'm (Y/N), this is Spirit, and this little monster is Orito, though he does answer to Ori,"
"It's a pleasure to meet all of you," Atem extended his hand to Ori. At first, the little guy seemed ready to chomp on his hand, however, that smile of his eventually won over the reptile, who begrudgingly rubbed up against his hand.
"Impressive, I've never seen Orito warm up to someone so quickly," he chuckled.
"I'm honored then. I would also be honored if you'd join me for dinner, as my way of thanking you,"
"Oh no I couldn't!" He took my hand.
"Please, I insist," well, who was I to reject the Pharaoh of Egypt.
"Very well, we accept,"

(Time skip)
The palace was, as expected, extraordinary and beautiful in all ways. The dining hall was lavished in all sorts of exquisite decorum, from gold to silver, and rugs to furniture. The food set before us look and smelled like it had been prepared for the gods, which technically it was. I tried my best to keep my manners. Ori, on the other hand, only saw fit to try and stuff as much meat and fruit into his mouth as he could. Alexandra, a friend of Atem and apparently the object of affection to Seto (I pity her), giggled and picked up the little beast, who struggled but behaved himself.
"He's so fascinating (Y/N)! I've never seen a shadow beast so adorable before!"
"Ori is not of this land, so I don't he's one of these 'shadow beast' you keep referring to. What are they anyway?"  Atem cleared his throat.
"Evil creatures who prey upon humans with dark soul. Judging by how protective this one is of you, I'm more than convinced he is not one of them," Alexandra placed him back down onto the table.
"(Y/N), I would like once again to thank you for this afternoon,"
"Please your highness, it was no trouble,"
"Just Atem is fine, you are my guest after all. Do you have a place to spend the night by any chance?" Realization dawned on me.
"Oh no! We didn't check into the inn!"
"No matter, you may spend the night here in the palace,"
"No Atem, you've already been too generous,"
"Please (Y/N), I wouldn't feel right to live a beautiful woman like yourself to wonder the city alone at night," I blushed and gradually accepted. He raised his chalice.
"Then to our new found friendship,"
"Cheers then,"
We both toasted, starting the newest chapter of both our lives.

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