Chapter 4: Confrontation

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I own nothing
(Y/N)'s POV
I sat with Mana and Alexandra in the library, enjoying a game of Mancala (they did play it, I checked). I was amused at the frustrated looks on their faces as they had lost every round up till this point. Chuckling, I brought my last bead to the end of the board.
"I win again you two," Mana looked ready to throw the board across the room while Alexandra dropped her head.
"How!? How are you so skilled in this game!?" Alexandra questioned.
"I was taught this game in a village to the west of this kingdom. They take this game very seriously. It's all in the strategy," Mana childishly pouted.
"Well I refuse to continue like this! I'd only be making a mockery of myself!" I laughed at this before putting the board away.
"No one enjoys the company of a sore looser Mana,"
"And no one enjoys being repeatedly humiliated in a game they've played their whole life!" Alexandra joined the laughter. I then stood up and began walking away.
"Where are you going?" Alexandra asked.
"For a quick ride. Spirit hates being cooped up for so long," venturing out of the library, I headed towards the stables, only to stop in front of a mirror. I could hardly recognize myself. My sun bleached robes where replaced by light, gilded armor. My scimitar was sheathed at my waist and I had new leather sandals. It was hard to believe I had been the pharaoh's personal guard for a month already. Time was just slipping through my fingers. I continued on my way to the stables and upon my arrival, I found my intolerable equine sharing hay with Atem's mare, Mira. I chuckled before running my fingers through his mane.
"Well, well, well, can't say this is surprising! You've been courting this mare since day one! How bout a quick ride into town to burn off such passion?" He snorted, obviously annoyed at the prospect of being taken from the object of his affection, but I couldn't let him get use to being lazy now could I?
I placed the saddle onto his back and grabbed my satchel, only to find Chibi, once again, napping in it.
"Really? All the furniture in the palace, and you still choose to nap here?" I groaned before tying it to the saddle and mounting.
Atem POV
I could barely hear Seto speak as I let my mind wonder. He was once again ranting about me finding a wife, but the only one I could think about now was (Y/N). Ever since she had agreed to become my personal guard, we had grown closer, almost as if we'd known each other our whole lives. The thought of her leaving pained my heart and soul. I couldn't understand these feelings or how she impacted my every thought. I finally snapped back into reality when Seto slammed a scroll to the floor.
"My Pharaoh! Are you even paying attention!?"
"Huh?" Muhad laugh from the other corner of the room.
"I wouldn't even bother High Priest, it appears someone else has completely enraptured his mind," My face went red and I glared at the man. Seto rolled his eye.
"And who would that be Muhad?"
"You can't be serious Seto, it's obviously..."
"Muhad!" I finally screamed, making both men's mouths clamp shut. I got out of my throne and began walking out.
"I will be in the garden if you need me," I stormed off, hopefully to sort my feeling for my personal guard.
Spirit maneuvered through the crowded streets of the city as I took the time to enjoy the view of the city. It wasn't near as crowded as the day I arrived, but it was still difficult to ride through the streets. Chibi snorted and growled at the loud sounds surrounding us. I shook the satchel.
"Don't complain, you decided to nap in there,"
His annoyed noises ceased as we continued on our ride. My mind began to wander back to my new life. I was enjoying the palace and my duties, but I especially enjoyed being with Atem. We had enjoyed many days of games and sharing the library together. We had grown to know each other to the point where it seemed like we'd known each other our whole lives. My face slowly grew red as I recalled these memories. I shook my head in order to snap back into reality.
What was wrong with me? He was the Pharaoh! I couldn't think these things!
I then noticed we had wandered into, let's say a less friendly looking part of the city, dilapidated and giving off a murderous aura. I tugged on Spirit's reigns.
"Let's get out of here, I don't like this place," We turned around but halted when I felt something graze my cheek. I then noticed an arrow lodged into the wall in front of me. Spirit swerved around and I saw a hood figure with a bow in his hand. His hood was down enough for me to see the smirk on his face. I drew my weapon.
"Do that again, I dare you," He chuckled.
"My, my, you're just as intimidating as I thought. What does one expect from the personal guard of the Pharaoh?"
"Drop the bow, you won't be able to find your mark,"
"Oh I have no intention of killing you milady...not yet anyways," he swung the bow around his shoulder.
"Then what are your intention?"
"I simply wish to talk, I am.."
"Don't tell me, you're the Thief King I've heard so much about," his smirk grew.
"You're quite perceptive, no wonder you gained your position,"
"Flattery will earn you nothing. Why are you here? It's rather unwise for a criminal to appear in the day,"
"I simply wish ask if you are aware that you are working for a tyrant?"
"Your precious Pharaoh is nothing more that greedy king living on the suffering of others," my hands moved like lightning, grasping the other side of my belt and throwing the knife there, grazing his arm.
"Next wrong sentence, and its through your heart if you have one. You've no right to speak of him as such! Especially with the way you've been treating the citizens thief!"
"My entire village was slaughtered because of that brat's father, I will see vengeance!"
"His father! Not him! The vengeance you seek will not bring you peace! The man you hunt is long dead!"
"No, so long as his bloodline lives, I will not find solace. Your Pharaoh will be dead at my feet,"
"And what makes you believe I will allow you to escape now?"
"Because you would sooner save lives then take one,"
I heard a scream and turned my head in its direction. I glared at Bakura before charging in the other direction. A building was going up in smoke and flames and I saw many people escaping the building. I dismounted Spirit and ran up to one of the men.
"Is anyone else inside?"
"My wife and son! They're still trapped!"
I wasted no time running in, my scarf tied around my mouth to prevent the smoke from entering my lungs. I navigated the maze of flames before locating a woman and a young boy. The woman was pinned to the ground by rubble and the child was weeping. I immediately began removing the debris before pulling her out the rest of the way.
"Thank you!"
"Don't thank me yet. Can you walk?"
"I think so,"
"Good," I picked up the boy and led them to the entrance of the building. We managed to escape right as the building collapsed. The man I talked to earlier ran up to his family hugging and kissing them, taking the child from my arms.
"I'm forever in your debt!"
"Just part of my duties. Do you know what started the fire?"
"Two arrows on fire flew through the window and the next minute everything was up in flames!" The woman answered. I growled.
"Bakura!" I looked in the direction of the street I had just been on. No doubt the Thief King was long gone by now. He had played me like a fool! I felt a tug on my robes. I looked down and saw the boy.
"Miss, thank you for saving us," I smiled, my anger dissolving. I ruffled his hair.
"You're welcome lad,"
I mounted Spirit and headed back to the palace. Atem needed to hear what had happened.

Atem x Reader The Pharaoh and the Wind ChaserOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz