Chapter 12: Change of Fate

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Sorry for the hold up, I've been on vacation!
I own nothing
Ch 12: Fate Reversed
Bakura POV
I had been remaining close to the palace for the past moon, waiting for the Queen to enter labor so I could break the Pharaoh through her. All it would take was a little poison in the drinking water, and both royals would be dead in minutes. It would be enough to drive any man to insanity, the perfect time to assassinate him. I saw my only remaining spy exit through the kitchen door. He was one of those spineless fellows, easily manipulated. I jumped down to meet him.
"The queen has just entered labor, sir,"
"Excellent, now is the time, my little minion," I handed him the same poison that was supposed to be used on the Pharaoh the day that damn woman entered the conflict. With the pain she was in, there would be no hope for her to realize the what it was before it was too late.
"Pour this into the queen's drinking water, and you'll be richer than you can imagine!" He nodded with a nervous look before taking the poison.
"Y-yes sir," I watched his disappear back into the kitchen, smirking all the while.
Soon, Pharaoh, I'll have taken everything from you.
Searing pain and unbearable heat, that is the least of what I can describe as childbirth. I had been returned to my chambers thanks in part to Mana, Alexandra, and the midwife since I could barely move myself.
"GAAAH!" I screamed again. This had been going on for hours!
"Please be patient my queen, it'll be over soon," Mana tried to assure me. I glared at her.
"Don't you dare tell me to be patient! YOU TRY AND GIVE BIRTH AND SEE IF YOU CAN BE PATIENT!!" Mana stumbled back scared. The midwife chuckled.
"Don't fear Mana, this is a typical reaction of the pain. You still have a bit of a ways to go your highness,"
"Gods! Longer!? What is wrong with this child?!" I screamed. There was then a pounding at the door.
"Let me in Alexandra! (Y/N) needs me!" Atem yelled in desperation.
"Love, please understand, this is NOT the most PLEASANT place to be at the moment, ah!" My voice grew louder with each sharp pain.
"I don't care! You're in pain!" The midwife snorted.
"Your majesty, I commend your loyalty, but this is no place for a male!" Atem kicked the door before I heard his footsteps fade. Alexandra sighed.
"Finally, gone," I gripped the bed's sheets harder as the agony intensified. Midwife looked to Alexandra.
"Tell the servants to bring more water, quickly,"
Alexandra nodded before summoning one of the male servants.
Gods let this end soon!
Ori POV (bet you didn't see this coming)
My nose twitched as I felt a freeze creep into my scales.
Bad men in our den, and my mistress was birthing her hatchling.
I bolted from the piles of hay I had been napping and raced to where my mistress and her mate rested and bred. Outside I saw a male, not her mate, but a pathetically scrawny and by the scent of him, cowardly one. I saw a bowl of water, probably for the mistress but he was pouring something into it. My nose twitched again. I knew this scent:
A bringer of death!
I pounced at the intruder, my claws and fangs more than ready to rip him to shreds. He shrieked and tried to shake me off. I held firm as I scratch and bit with all my might. Eventually I flew off him and into a small dark room. I rose to my paws to continue my attack, but he slammed the door shut. I rammed into it with all my strength, but for not. I did the only thing I could then and let out the loudest roars I could manage.
Atem POV
I was furious that girls wouldn't allow me to be with my wife and (Y/N)'s screams were not helping my nerves. I then walked into the library and went to shut the door in order to block out all the sounds.
However as I did, I felt something could clamp down on my wrist, holding it in place. I then heard wind, almost like a whisper.
"Stop what will be lost,"
I tugged my arm back as I searched for the source of the voice. Instead, I heard a much more earthly sound. It was muffled, but I could indeed hear the sounds of Ori's roars coming from near our bed chambers. I followed the noise and found a servant holding a bowl of water, supposedly for my wife.
"How goes it?" He turned and looked like he had seen Anubis himself.
"S-sire! I did not expect you to be here!" I notice he was bleeding in several ares and moved to help.
"Are you alright? You're injured!"
"It's nothing my Pharaoh, I was just clumsy," I tried to examine his wounds closer but was interrupted by banging from a nearby closet. I heard scratches at the door and familiar roars.
"Ori?" I opened up the door.
"No sire!" Ori tumbled out.
"What were you-?" The reptile ignored me and barreled into the small servant. He shrieked trying to shake off the small creature. I gently scooped him up.
"Easy, what's gotten into you?"
"Please your highness, he just attacked me for no reason so I had to lock him up in order to deliver the water!"
"I see, I under-" I stopped, finally noticing the water itself. It was darker than it should've been. I didn't think much of it at first, then my mind spiraled back to the first day I met (Y/N), that first feast. Ori climbed onto my shoulder as I took the bowl from the now panicked servant.
"Is something wrong my Pharaoh?! I can assure you this water is-" I took off a piece of silver jewelry from my wrist and lowered it into the water. It immediately turned black and the jewelry shriveled. I pulled it out with the anger of Horus in my eyes.
"Poisoned!" He turned white and ran.
The white dragon flew my shoulder and tackled the traitor to the ground and clawed at him with no mercy. I called for the guard. Muhad wasted no time dragging the coward to his feet as I handed the poisoned water off to Seto. The maggot had the audacity to beg for his life.
"Please sire! Have mercy! He, the Thief King forced me too! He threatened my life!" I snarled at him.
"You'll wish he had! Take him away! Make sure you learn what you can and leave him to rot! I'll decide his fate later," he screamed as he was dragged away to the dungeon. Seto looked at me as he handed off the poison to be disposed of.
"Why not have him executed now my king?"
"Let his mind drive him mad with feared, a fate far worse then death for daring to harm my family," Muhad chuckled.
"I didn't take you for having a cruel sense of justice,"
"Only for those I love,"
I then heard (Y/N) scream once more, but she was joined in by a higher squeal. I headed for the door. A few moments later, Alexandra, Mana, and the midwife exited the door with looks of glee. Mana hugged me.
"A healthy boy Atem! You're a father," my heart stopped as I heard the news. I took a deep breath and entered the room. I saw my queen lying in our bed, a bundle of blankets held up to her chest. She looked over to me and smiled, her hair all over the place and her face weakened by exhaustion, but she never looked so beautiful.
"Come Atem, come meet your son!" I rushed to her side and glanced down at the babe feeding from her breasts. He looked so much like me, down to my eyes, but he had his mother's nose and (H/C) hair. He looked at me with curiosity as I felt my eyes water.
"My son..."
I gently brought my arms around them both.
"Our family is complete (Y/N)," she was also in tears.
"Yes, we are!"
"So what shall we name him?"
"I, I actually wanted to name him Leo,"
"'s perfect. Welcome Leo, my heir and most importantly my son,"

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