Ch 5: Embarassing Misunderstandings

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No folks, I'm not dead. Sorry about the wait, I've had a lot of school work to deal with, I'll try to avoid hiatus like this again.
Warning, peeping (you'll see)
I own nothing.
Chapter 5: Birthday Plan and Priest vs Guard
Atem POV
Seto's angered voice vibrated throughout the halls of the palace. (Y/N) had just returned from a ride into town covered in soot with a cut on her cheek (for some reason this angered me to no end). According to her report, the Thief King had confronted her in an alley and the only reason he was in chains now was because the coward put innocent lives at risk. Needless to say, Seto was less than happy about the arrangement. (Y/N) herself looked ready to behead him for lecturing her.
"With all due respect high priest (you could hear the sarcasm), people were in danger,"
"That was non of your concern! Catching Bakura is your first priority!" Her forehead butted against his
"Contrary to your belief, the duties are to protect lives before detaining criminals. The safety of the citizens and Atem is my top priority,"
"Don't call him by his familiar name! Were you raised in a stable, because it would explain your poor manners!" She hissed.
"First off, if you weren't the high priest, you'd be on your back in pain and that table would be broken. Secondly, most of my childhood was spent roaming the world. Finally, you don't have the authority to tell me of my duties since I am the Pharaoh's guard!"
"ENOUGH YOU TWO!" I yelled before profanities could be thrown.
"Seto, while I do appreciate your guidance, (Y/N) is right to say that protecting lives takes priority over capturing Bakura. (Y/N), no was hurt correct?"
"Not from what I saw,"
"And you?"
"It's only a small scratch and some soot, I'll be fine," I sighed in relief. Keeping these two from fighting is the equivalent of keeping Ori away from food: near impossible and always painful. I rubbed my temples.
"You two will be the death of me," Muhad, who had been in the corner viewing this argument with great amusement, laughed.
"Oh calm down my Pharaoh, you can't expect a dog and cat to befriend each other,"
"Who's the dog and who's the cat?" (Y/N) asked.
"You're a female aren't you?" I had to latch my arms around (Y/N)'s waist (no complaints) to restrain her from strangling Seto, who stood there with a smug look, while also refraining from doing it myself. Muhad stepped in.
"Enough, we shouldn't be fighting! There is much work to be done before this moon is up!" At this, (Y/N) finally stopped struggling.
"What's in a moon?"
"The pharaoh's birthday of course!"
"I didn't know that Atem," I blushed.
"Oh, must have slipped my mind," Seto rolled his eyes.
"It shouldn't, after all, it is also the end of your first year as Pharaoh. Which brings up another problem," I groaned.
"Gods no,"
"My king, you must find a wife soon! Especially since the Thief King is still on the lose!" (Y/N) rolled her eyes.
"Keep talking Seto, don't expect me to save you when an underling of Bakura shows up with a sword in his hand,"
"Like I'd want you to save me," Muhad called his throat.
"What did I just say about fighting?"
After a long, tedious, and insulting argument with Seto (seriously what does Alexandra see in him?!), I needed time to relax and my temper to cool. Luckily I knew just the spot.
The palace baths were opened to all servants luckily and it was the perfect place to relax. I stripped down to my wrappings, since I was a little self conscious about how I look, and plunged into the water. The cool droplets against my skin in contrast to the blazing sun was heaven in simple terms.
I swam around happily, enjoying the refreshing feeling.
"Oh, the joys of being the personal guard of a pharaoh," I dove under the water.
Unaware of a pair or redish-purple eyes watching me.
Atem POV
Why do the gods torment me with such luck!? I went to the palace baths to cool off after that horrible meeting and instead I find the woman who I am attracted to shinning in the sun like some goddess of water. I should be grateful she is still clothed, but it still leaves little to the imagination. My face felt as hot as Ra's sun and I could do little but stand there like a love struck fool staring at (Y/N). Thank Ra she hadn't spotted me or I doubt I would still be alive. I had to run but my feet remained where they were and my eyes still followed her.
What is wrong with me? This is highly inappropriate!
Finally, I managed to regain control of my body, but I turn to bolt away, one of my bracelets fell into the water, making a rather loud splash. And unfortunately, (Y/N) had the hearing of a jackal. Our eyes locked for a minute in total awkward silence.
To say I was embarrassed would be heavily understating it. I covered my wrappings with my hands and screamed. Atem quickly turned and shielded his eyes, instead of standing like a slack jawed idiot. My cheek were a flamed and my mind was barely functioning.
"(Y-Y/N) I swear on the gods I did not know you wer-,"
"I-it's ok Atem, I understand," I said reaching for a towel. After covering myself, I walked up to him.
"You can turn around now," he immediately turned and began cutely babbling.
"I'm so sorry! I never would've come in if I had known you were in here,"
"I already said it was fine, it was a mistake. You should just count yourself lucky Ori wasn't here or he would've killed you,"
"I have no doubt about that," I blushed harder.
"Um, I think I've had enough of a swim today, you may-"
"No no! You were here first, it would be rude if I didn't let you finish,"
"No I am, this is also your palace,"
"Oh, ok then," I gathered up my clothes and began leaving when I saw him starting to remove his clothes.
"What?" He had stopped to late as he had removed his shirt, revealing his, ahem, finely chiseled torso. I swear, Horus himself sculpted this man! He became even redder than I was.
"I'LL LEAVE!" I ran as fast as I could out of the bath house and back to my room. I threw myself onto bed, hiding my face of shame and screaming.
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!?" Ori must've been looking at me like I was insane.
Atem POV
I sunk deeper into the water, hoping to douse the flames of my cheek. (Y/N)'s form was still fresh in my mind, and the thought of her joining me plagued my every thought.
"What is wrong with me?!"
Alexandra POV
I looked on at the scene playing before me with a knowing and mischievous grin.
"Oh, I know what's wrong,"
Since you have all been so patient, I decided to spoil you. You're welcome. Comment on what you want to see.

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