Chapter 10: Unexpected Surprises

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I own nothing
Bakura POV
I stared out to the horizon from my hideout, sneering in disgust. The Pharaoh and his guard wife were praised and loved by the people of the city and kingdom. The fools, clearly they couldn't see the selfishness of those damned nobles. In frustration, I threw my knife at a nearby vase, shattering it to pieces. Unfortunately, one of my subordinates was cowering next to the vase. I ignored him and continued to stare out the window. He decided to speak.
"Um sir?"
"What is it fool?"
"Exactly what are you planning?"
"Nothing yet,"
"But sir! The Pharaoh grows more popular with the people each day! The citizens believe him humble and benevolent for marrying not only a peasant but a foreigner!"
"I know that,"
"Then why aren't we attacking the palace!?"
"We're waiting,"
"Waiting? Waiting for what?"
"For when they are at their most vulnerable,"
"When would that be?" I smirked.
"When they're too blind by happiness. I'll let the Pharaoh have taste of his greatest happiness then steal it all away from right under his nose,"
It looks like that guard queen would be of use to me soon.
It had been a few moons since Atem and my wedding and life couldn't be sweeter. It was a lot of work with paperwork, meeting with delegates, councils, but it was worth ruling by my beloved husband's side. Atem took every opportunity to steal kisses, hold me, and simply spend time with me.
Then we're the nights we spent in our chambers
Atem was joking when he said he wouldn't be able to control himself. So far each night would result from sweet cuddling to a night of unbridled passion and everything in between. There were days when I would need to hide my marked skin or I could barely walk to begin with. Had I known I would be tying myself to such a dominate and insatiable man, I would've better prepared myself for the many days of marks and sore legs. Lately though, another problem had arisen: I had started having morning sickness and weak spells. It was quite odd since I had never been sick a day in my life. Atem was worried behind all sense and begged me to remain in bed until the sickness had gone. I, however, refused to do so since I couldn't hold still for an entire day. Currently I was hiding out in the stables from my overprotective husband.
That's another problem.
After the attack at the wedding and Bakura's threat, Atem seemed to forget the entire time before the wedding and that I was capable of protecting myself and others. Now I was no longer allowed to be without him, Muhad, or Seto, who was still over the fact I now outrank him. It honestly was suffocating and I decided to sneak down here to clear my head and voice my frustrations to the 2 horses, not that they had a choice in the matter. I had just finished brushing Spirit's mane and moved on to Mia, who's stomach was swelling due to the growing foal in her womb. I sighed to the mare.
"Honestly Mia, you'd nip your master if you saw how stupid he's being," she whinnied.
"I am perfectly capable of handling myself! But does he listen? No! He just completely forgets who it was that saved his skin so many times and thinks I'm some pampered princess in need of protecting!" Spirit snorted as if to laugh.
"Quiet you! I'm venting," Ori, who I had taken with me, crawled onto my head head as if to comfort me. I patted his head.
"Thanks boy,"
I then heard frantic footsteps and realized who it was in a second. I contemplated hiding, but it would only make matters worse so I remained where I was. Seconds later, Atem raced inside with Muhad and Seto at his heel. The second he saw me, he rushed towards me, searching for injuries and symptoms.
"(Y/N)! Are you alright?!"
"Yes, my smothering love. I'm perfectly fine!" He grabbed my arm gently and tried to lead me to our room.
"You are sick my queen! You must rest!"
"Atem, I'm not sick,"
"That's not what I heard this morning,"
"Shut it priesty!"
"Your highness, I'm certain he won't allow you to argue your way out of this,"
"I am aware of that Muhad!" I finally freed my arm and held his shoulders.
"Atem please be reasonable! You know better than anyone that I can protect myself! There's no need to worry for my sake!" He sighed deeply before kissing my palms.
"I know, but I can't help but worry about the woman I love. Not only did the Thief King threaten you, you keep getting sick every morning! I just don't want to loose you (Y/N)," I smiled before kissing him.
"Silly, you won't loose me, I promise," he kissed my forehead before continuing to lead me out of the stables.
"Good, but I still want you to see the healers about your morning sickness,"
"Fair enough,"
As we left, I heard Muhad and Seto snickering before Ori sent them scrambling with a fireball.

I was now sitting in the medicine chamber with a female healer who was currently checking my breathing, my temperature, and heartbeat. She then started asking questions.
"My Queen, have you only been feeling sick in the morning?"
"And the weak spells don't happen often?"
"Not at all,"
"How has your eating been?"
"Normal, I haven't tried anything new,"
"Any pain?"
"My queen, in order for me to confirm a suspicion, I'll need to ask some personal questions,"
"When was the last time you had intercourse?" I blushed madly, not understanding her line of reasoning.
"Um, 3 nights ago,"
"And when was the last time you bled?" My face darkened further.
"Is there a reason for this!?"
"Bu-fine, two moons ago," she smiled for a second before grabbing a small bag and filling it partially with wheat and barely seeds ((Thank you Midnight from Quotev!")). I stared at her in confusion as she handed me the bag.
"Your majesty, I believe I know you ailment, but I must ask you to urinate into this bag and if a few days see if the seeds begin to sprout," I looked at her like she was insane. I heard many different ways of identifying and treating illness during my travels, but this was a first. Nonetheless, I did as I was told and placed the bag in one of the draws of my dresser. A few days later, I was conversing with Mana and Alexandra. Mana decided to ask about my illness as I once again proved my superiority in senet to Alexandra.
"I still have morning sickness, though the weak spells have stopped, thank Ra,"
"But didn't you go to the healer?"
"I did, but she didn't give me anything for my illness. She was acting very strange," Alexandra, face planted on the table, murmured.
"How so?" I blushed as I began to explain.
"She began asking about intercourse and my bleedings! Then she gave me a bag to urinate in," Mana and Alexandra's heads shot towards each other before Mana grabbed my shoulders.
"(Y/N), were there wheat and barely seeds in that bag!?"
"Yes," Alexandra then took my arm.
"Where's the bag now?"
"In my dresser,"
"THEN GO GET IT!" They yell together, pushing me out. I ran to the chamber, hurrying pass a napping Ori before grabbing the bag and rushing back to the waiting women.
"Open it!" Mana said excitedly. I looked at her weirdly.
"What is wrong with you both?" Alexandra ignored me.
"Don't ask questions! Just do it or we will!"
I rolled my eyes and opened the bag. Inside, I noticed two barely seeds had sprouted. The 2 women squealed in delight before Mana hugged me.
"(Y/N)! Don't you know what this means?!" I shook my head, putting the bag down.
"Never in my travels have I ever come across this," Alexandra took my hands.
"(Y/N)! You're pregnant! And by the looks of it, you're gonna give birth to the prince of Egypt!" I was dumbfounded. I was pregnant? Right now, inside me, was a growing new life? I could only sputter out one word.
"What?" Mana happily jumped up and down.
"Yep! The wheat and barely seeds almost never lie. If the wheat seeds sprout, the baby will be female, and if the barely seeds sprout, a male. Isn't this exciting!? You're going to be a mother (Y/N)!" Alexandra snorted.
"Not surprising considering the amount of times she and the Pharaoh were, ahem, together," Mana rolled her eyes.
"You're one to talk Alexandra,"
I sat down as my mind race through the realization. I was happy to have a baby. I'd have a complete family after Ra knows how many years, but what about Atem? Would he want a child so soon? I mean he was the Pharaoh and he needed heirs, but still it was his decision. How would I tell him this? Alexandra gave me a worried look.
"My Queen, are you alright?" I stood up and walked towards my chamber.
"Yes, I just need time to process this,"

Atem POV
The moon had just risen when I had finally escaped to my bed chambers after a long day of meetings. (Y/N) had wanted to join, but I insisted she stay away, knowing she would be bored to death. Speaking of my beloved wife, I saw her gazing at the night sky from the balcony. I joined her and wrapped my arms around her waist before kissing her neck. She reacted well to it, but suddenly pulled away. I looked at her and realized something was bothering her.
"Love, what's wrong?"
"Nothing dear,"
"(Y/N), I'd like to think I know you better then that. What's on your mind?"
"It's about my trip to the healer," my heart froze. Did have some sort of dangerous illness!? Was going to be fine?! I took her by the shoulders.
"What did she tell you!? Are you alright!?"
"Atem, I-I'm, I'm pregnant," Time seem to freeze and she looked at me with love and fear in her eyes.
"You're going to be a father!" I couldn't say anything, I just couldn't find the right words. (Y/N) looked like she was about to cry.
"Atem please say something!"
I dropped to my knees and kissed her stomach before placing my forehead to it. I felt tears of joy slip from my eyes.
"Thank you," her tears of fear turned to tears of joy. She dropped to her own knees and hugged me. I kissed her endlessly before carrying her to our bed. I placed a protective arm over the cradle to our unborn child.
"I love you both, so much,"
"And we love you Atem,"
You know, looking back at it, that whole "you won't loose me, I promise," line is pretty tragic considering Reader-chan also said it in the broken timeline. Make of that what you will.

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