Ch 6: Relization

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I own nothing
Ch 6: Coming to Terms
It's been about half a moon since I encountered Bakura and Atem and I shared that, ahem, lovingly awkward moment in the palace baths. Since then, my days have been routined as such: wake up at dawn, throw Ori into water to wake him and then dodge the fire, eat breakfast will being scolded for whatever reason by Seto, patrol the kingdom's borders on Spirit, enjoy a pleasantly awkward lunch with Atem, train until I couldn't stand anymore, and spend the rest of my time hiding from Alexandra, who I now know for a fact spied on me and Atem in the palace baths, and her perverted nonsense.
Sufficed to say, it's not been a good time.
Atem and I were patrolling near the river's edge, the two of us not daring to look at each other. Luckily, Ori returned to break the tension. I stretched out my arm, allowing him to land.
"Find anything boy?" He let out a chirp and began pointing towards the west.
"Alright, lead on," he took off and we followed in close pursuit until the smell of smoke filled our senses. We looked to each other and nodded, understanding the situation before racing off towards the source.
Atem POV
I felt horrible about lying to (Y/N). The only reason I was allowed to leave the palace was because I had snuck out, meaning no one knew where I was. But I had to speak with her about what had happened. If this kept up, she'd definitely leave at the end of the year! Ori finally led us to the source of the problem. A small village was being ransacked and burnt by Bakura's henchmen. We rode in, both of us striking down any fool who'd try to stop us. I turned to her.
"Split up and protect the the thieves no mercy," we charged off into the fray in different directions.
The battle was fierce. Luckily, the bandits were disorderly, most likely because they thought this would be an easy target. The men I didn't wound my mare did for me. Eventually, things quiet down...a little too much for my liking. I dismounted and began searching the houses that hadn't been reduced to ash.
I began rummaging through the remaining houses of the village searching for signs of life. There were survivors, but they were still cowering, huddled together in small groups. I came across a family with two small children and knelt down to their level.
"Please, the thieves are gone, there's no need to be afraid,"
The two small children, a brother and a sister, gasped. I was confused before my eye caught something white moving in the reflection of a small mirror. I rolled out of the way, narrowly avoiding a sword being brought down, before springing up and crossing blades with the Thief King himself.
"Bakura!" He smirked.
"The little guard decided to come out and play,"
I managed to lead him outside and away from the survivors, being very careful in not getting my own head chopped off in the process. The sound of clashing metal rang out constantly and we struggled to out due the other.
"I'm surprise you're all alone little dog,"
"These people are in danger because of you! I can't stand by and do nothing,"
"It's a shame you're so loyal to the pharaoh. I can think of plenty for you to do," the tone of his voice infuriated me as I started fighting with the anger of a crocodile and the strength of an ox. Bakura struggled to deflect my blows until he took a misstep and fell. My sword was at his throats in a second.
"Your reign of terror is over Bakura," he smirked.
"No little girl, your life as a guard is through,"
Rays of light suddenly pierced my eyes. Just as I was trying shield them, Bakura swept my legs from beneath me and our position were inverted. He brought his sword up.
"Goodbye guard," he swung downward. I closed my eyes, preparing for the afterlife when the familiar clang of metal rang out once again. I opened my eyes to see Atem's sword blocking the blow and Bakura being pushed away by him.
"Not today Thief King!" He yelled. He snarled before he started to flee. I rose.
"Not so fast!"
The two of us pursued him through the remainder of the smoke. Finally, we realized he had once more disappeared. I sighed in frustration while (Y/N) was more vocal.
"Damn it all! We let him escape again! As if Seto didn't have enough to lecture me about!" Atem chuckled.
"Peace (Y/N) we will have the rat another day. For now, let us be grateful we arrived in time to save these people," I sighed.
"Very well. Let's head back,"
When we arrived back at the palace, everyone was in total chaos. It was like a attack had been mounted but no battle. We left our horses in the stables before rushing in. I whistled to get everyone's attention.
"What is going on!?"
Seto was the first to rush us.
"I should've known you would be the cause of all this! Endangering his highness's life!"
"What are you talking about?!" Mana surprisingly backed him up.
"(Y/N), it was dangerous gambit taking the pharaoh with you without backup!" My jaw dropped.
"Ok, why is everyone so angry at me all of a sudden!"
"Some guard you turned out to be! By the looks of it, I'd say you ran into more of your fair share of trouble," My mind was scrambled. What was with this sudden hostility. Though the scolding, I heard Atem speak in my defense.
"Peace Seto, (Y/N) had no idea you did not approve of me going on patrol.
"They didn't know!?" The high priest scoffed.
"She should've known better! I knew we should've never brought this commoner into of guard!" I finally snapped at the overbearing priest.
"Let me remind you, Seto, that the only reason I am here is because the guards you assigned were so incompetent, I had to step in! The only person to blame for me being here is you! I have had up to here with your superiority complex, thinking you're above because you're a priest. Without me, you and Atem would be dead by now! But you want me gone so badly, fine. I'll leave,"
I stormed off to my room, not bothering to look back.
Atem POV
I stood there dumbfounded. (Y/N) could leave yet! I still hadn't sorted out my feelings for her! I heard Seto sigh in relief.
"Finally, she's leaving," My resolve finally broke, I was done with Seto's attitude. I stared at him straight in the eye with all the hatred I could muster.
"If you ever speak to her like that again, this palace will no longer be your home High priest! I expect you to apologize for your behavior!" His jaw dropped.
"My king! You can't be serious!" My fury grew.
"I am serious! Everything she has said was true! If you weren't so incompetent in choosing guards, she wouldn't have to be here! She has saved my life more times in the period she's been here than your men have in their own! I will not tolerate you besmirching her name to satisfy your own ego! No if you'll excuse me, I have to beg (Y/N) not to leave," I charged off in search of (Y/N). I prayed to Ra she wasn't really leaving the palace. Once I finally made it to her room, I began banging on the door.
"(Y/N)! Please come out!"
"No Atem! It's obvious I'm not trusted here!"
"It was my fault, I'm sorry! Don't listen to Seto, he's just putting his pride before his intelligence. Please open the door?"
There was a pause of silence before she opened up.
"You have 5 minutes to convince me," I rushed in.
"Please, you are the best guard I've had the pleasure of having. You're smart, you're a joy to be around, you're not afraid to speak your mind!"
"And I'm untrustworthy,"
"No! I trust you, with my life! You've said it enough times to earn that much,"
"And Seto?"
"Forget Seto! He doesn't get to decide who is the best to guard me obviously! I do,"
"I don't understand,"
"Understand what?"
"Why are you trying so hard to keep me here!?"
"I don't want you to leave!"
"Why!? Why is it that you want me to stay here so badly!?"
I couldn't take it anymore. My emotions are finally clear to me.
I'm in love with her.
Out of nowhere, Atem grabbed my arms and yanked me towards him, our lips crashing into each other in a display of unbridled passion. My mind barely function correctly as the pharaoh of Egypt pushed me against the door, deepening our kiss. At first, my flight or fight response kicked in and I began to retreat, but Atem simply pushed harder. All the while, my heart was racing and blooming with a warm feeling. I couldn't run away from this anymore.
As stupid as it was, I had fallen in love with the ruler of Egypt.
Eventually, I surrendered to the kiss, my tangling themselves into Atem's hair. His arms encircled my waist and pulled even closer, if that were possible. I then began to feel Atem's tongue poking at my lips. I at first refused to let him in, teasingly, but Atem had other plans. He let a feral growl, which oddly enough made the room become even warmer, before bringing him hands to my rear. I gasped, giving his tongue enough time to invade my mouth. Our two muscles began dancing, both pinning for dominance until Atem's subdued mine. He began exploring his newfound territory with much vigor as the blush on my cheeks grew on.
Unfortunately, we humans do need to breath.
We separated in order to catch our breaths, but he still kept me pinned to the wall and his forehead against mine. We looked into each other's eyes, and I could see love and compassion beaming in them. He gave a chuckle which rattled me.
"Does that answer your question?" I laughed then.
"I think so,"
He kissed my forehead before bringing me to the bed and laying on it with me still in his arm. I laid there with him, my ear pressed to his chest, hearing the soothing sounds of his heartbeat. Once the room cooled down he looked at me.
"Stay with me?"
"I'm not going anywhere. Atem, what do we do now?"
"I'm not sure, but what I am sure about is my feelings for you (Y/N),"
"But you have to marry someone of noble blood Atem,"
"I don't care, I'll think of a way around it. I'd do anything to be with you (Y/N)," I blushed even harder and buried my face into his chest as he laughed.
We didn't move from that spot for awhile, we just remained there, content in each other's arms.
You're welcome my readers 😘😊

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