Ch 7: Displays of Passion

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You will all thank me for this
I own nothing
Ch 7: A Pharaoh's Party
I was currently in the kitchen, preparing food for tonight's ball in honor of Atem's birthday. High ranking officials and nobles from different kingdoms would all be in attendance and the citizens of our own kingdom as well.
Yes, our.
After my little session with Atem, I decided I would permanently reside in the palace, much to Seto's distain. Speaking of Atem, he's been very affectionate as of late. Every time I'm alone, I have to be careful or he'd sneak up on me and steal kisses, not that I was complaining. Sometimes it was the forehead, other times it was the cheeks or lips, the point is, they are always wonderful. I let my mind wonder for a bit, not realizing my elbow was in the bread mix.
"(Y/N)!" Mana shook me back to my senses.
"What's wrong with you, you've been distracted as of late. You've even been fighting less with Seto!" Alexandra smirked.
"Perhaps thinking of that special someone (Y/N)?" I glared at her.
"Yes, just as you think of Seto!" She blushed.
"What do you know about that?"
"What I lack in size I make up for in senses, specifically my sight and hearing," her blush darkened as she silently crept back to the bread. I huffed.
"I thought so," Mana looked very confused.
"Please elaborate,"
"Nope! I have one persons too many who knows!"
"How many people?"
"One," she rolled her eyes. I decided to leave for a minute to check on something. Alexandra raised an eyebrow.
"And where are you going?"
"Stables. Atem says there's something wrong with Mira and I want to check up on the poor mare,"
"Be back soon (Y/N)! We need the help!" Mana shouted as I went on my way. When I reach the stables, I found Atem grooming Mira with a smile on his face, yet somehow giving Spirit a glare simultaneously. I walked up to them and patted Mira's snout.
"Well you seem in good spirits. Happy birthday. I guess nothing is wrong with Mira?"
"Thank you and oh something is wrong, though not in the way you think,"
"I won't be riding here for awhile," he guided my hand to her belly and then it hit me.
"She's pregnant?" He nodded. I gave a mischievous grin to my own stallion before brushing his mane.
"I can only assume this foal belongs to you, you lecher?" He snorted with a nod. Atem then smirk.
"Speaking of lechers," he yanked my arm and gave me a smoldering kiss on the lips. Spirit neighed angrily and pounded his hooves against the stall. Atem broke the kiss and pointed a finger at the horse.
"Don't you start! You got my mare pregnant!" Spirit huffed with an angry look. I laughed before petting his snout.
"Oh be gentle with him, he's just looking out for me,"
"(Y/N), about tonight, I've had a dress made for you and I would love for you to attend in it," I blushed and smiled.
"I'd love to," he smiled and tilted my chin up to kiss me.
Just as our lips were about to connect, we heard footsteps. We separated quickly before Mana entered and grabbed my arm.
"You've been gone long enough! Let's go!" Both of us laughed as she tugged me off.
I was currently getting ready for the party. Atem had a beautiful dress made: it was white with golden highlights and shoes. I had also applied basic makeup, something I loathed to do (this is my personal thing). I could barely recognize myself in the mirror, but still something was missing.
"Hm, what do you think Ori?"
The little reptile was on my bed looking at me intently before rushing into my treasure bag and pulling out two items: a necklace which matched well with my bracelet (don't think I've forgotten), and a silver head piece to add a bit of flare to my (H/L) (H/C) hair. I patted him on the head and he purred.
"Thanks boy,"
Party Time
Night had fallen on the kingdom and the guests from the various kingdoms had arrive. Surprisingly, I was able to find some very pleasant nobles and their personal guards to talk to. Granted most were male and were likely attracted in ways I would mutilate them for, but the conversation was still nice and I did manage to find some females to talk to.
However, there were some of the visiting princesses that were swooning and grabbing at Atem, who looked rather flustered and annoyed. I decided to step in and push them away.
"Ok ladies, that's enough for now," they gave me looks of anger while Atem gave me a look of thanks. One princess in particular was a bit bolder than the rest.
"And who are you to tell us what to do lowly peasant!?" I gave a look which could scare off a bear (I have done that before), before showing off the sword at my waist.
"I'm his guard. Now all of you leave before I show you how I earned the position!" They scuttled off, courage forgotten as Atem hugged me from behind.
"Thank Ra for that! I felt like a pheasant they were about to feast on!"
"Anything for the birthday boy," he frowned slightly.
"Your scimitar isn't necessary for this party," I shrugged my elbows.
"I'm your personal guard Atem, I'm always on duty. Now is the perfect time for assassins to try and sneak in. He sighed.
"Though I am grateful to have such a devoted guard, please try to have fun and relax a tad. And perhaps, spare a dance?" He gave me a wooing smile.
"Like I said, anything for the birthday boy,"
I continued socializing until we were all called to the feast. I was seated on one side of Atem and Seto was seated on the other. I could feel the glares of hatred from many of females hoping to win the heart of our pharaoh. Atem stood up and cleared his throat.
"Friends, dignitaries of neighboring kingdoms, and my beloved citizens of Egypt! I thank you all for attending the anniversary of my birth as well as my accession to throne. Though we have faced many challenges with the rise of activity from the Thief King, this past year has been a prosperous one and I can only hope you may continue to respect me as I do my best to serve you for years to come,"
"HERE HERE!" Everyone shouted as we brought our chalices to our lips and began eating.
The food of course was divine and I made sure to ask the kitchen staff to leave a small....large portion of food for Ori in order to keep him behaved (and comatose) for the night. I began conversing with Alexandra and Mana, happily eating and drinking, not once remembering there had to be a point when I would need to stop.
Eventually, the musicians began playing and nobles began gathering on the dance floor. I myself began dancing with a few of the personal guards of other rules and one particularly young drunken noble who didn't understand personal space. I was about to remove him of his gender identifier, when his shoulder was tapped on.
It was Atem.
"May I cut in?" The nobleman, though drunk, was smart enough to back down and scurry off. Atem began leading the dance.
"It appears you've paid for my earlier protection," he smirked.
"I just didn't enjoy that noble pig drooling on you,"
"Oh it was much worse on this end," he spun me around
"You're quite an elegant dance,"
"Odd, I've never really done anything like this before," we finished with a bow and he kissed my hand.
"You're a natural. (Y/N)...please see me after the party. I wish to speak with you about something,"
"Of course," the music started up again and I pushed him back into the circle with mischievous intent.
"The king must dance but guard cannot!"
I returned to my small group of females and made possibly the dumbest decision one can make at event such as this one:
I was careful with how much alcohol I was consuming.
Atem POV
The party lasted on for several more hours, several hours mostly involving princess and noblewomen trying to undress me with their eyes. I had finally escaped the dance floor and was currently seated at my throne, my mind muddled by the amount of alcohol I had consumed to rid myself of the memories of those women. I found myself bored.
Muhad was currently being charmed by visiting servants.
Seto had disappeared with Alexandra to Ra I won't say to spare both their honors.
And (Y/N)...actually, I didn't know where she was. I scanned the room, hoping to catch sight of her white dress away from those ghastly pigs. Finally I spotted her.
And oh Ra, did she look ravishing!
She stood next to a pillar, leaning on it for support, with a blush on her face and those large beautiful (E/C) orbs staring at me. She turned away, heading for the bed chambers, before her head twisted back and the look in her eye screaming 'come after me if you dare'.
Something inside me snapped. I felt like a starving predator that had caught sight of the sweetest prey, only this prey would meet a much more pleasurable fate.
I snuck away from the guests and chased her into the halls. I could hear her giggles, as if she were enjoying this game of cat and mouse.
I guess I would have to punish her later for that.
I eventually found her watching a part of the hall with her back to me, probably waiting for me to appear. I snuck up behind her and seized her waist. She squealed as I forcibly slammed him into the wall and began dominating her lips with my own. I didn't bother asking permission as my tongue pried her mouth open and subdued her own. My hands went to her thighs and wrapped her legs around my waist as our hips ground against each other, sending her into fits of mewls which further fed the hungry predator inside me. Eventually, we gasped for breath and I placed my forehead to her's.
"Naughty, naughty, tempting me you vixen. I should remind you who the dominant one here is," she gave a teasing smile before giving an innocent look.
"What will you do with me, your highness?"
"I think I shall take for my own, and taint you ever so slightly black," I dove in for another harsh kiss, having many ideas as to what I would do to her that night.
I woke up the next morning with pain in many places and a warmth engulfing me. My head was pounding from the alcohol, my neck ached from several love markings, and my legs were sore for...certain reasons. Last night, I had somehow remembered the pleasurable steps which left me in this position, caged in to Atem's bare body in his bed with myself bare as well. I blushed with a smile as I remembered how wild he had been last night until I felt a tinge of coolness on my ring finger. I brought it up and stared at the golden ring encrusted with sapphires and emeralds. My smile broaden.
"That's right, he will be my husband soon,"
Two in one day! Enjoy this!
Link to the Lemon by mermaidfan76:

Atem x Reader The Pharaoh and the Wind ChaserKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat