Chapter 8: Coming Changes

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I own nothing
Chapter 8: Wedding Preparations
Atem POV
I woke to my head pounding as if hammers were being smacked against my skull. I should've been weary of the amount of alcohol I consumed. Last night was a blur, an incredibly pleasurable blur. Memories of love making with my future queen flooded my mind. That's when I notice she was not at my side.
I panicked for a moment before seeing her out on the balcony, a silk robe concealing her body. Quietly, I dressed into basic attire and snuck up behind her. I placed my arms around her waist and kissed her temple.
"What are you doing out of bed, my love? You had me worried for a moment," she looked at me with a smile that could cheer even the most broken of men.
"I woke up not too long ago and I didn't want to wake you," I placed her head to her chest.
"I'd prefer that if I wake up to you," I nibbled at her ear but she pushed me away with a playful glare.
"Oh no Atem, my body is sore enough from last night," I smirked.
"That's what you get for being so tempting. Best get used to it, once we're married I don't think I'll be able to keep my hands off you," she rolled her eyes.
"You're trying to get me with child as quickly as possible aren't you," I chuckled.
"Perhaps, I would enjoy a child,"
"Keep trying, not for a while love," I smiled.
"Very well," I picked up her hand with the ring on and kissed it.
"It won't be long," she blushed.
"I hope not, now go put on a shirt! Anyone could walk in," my smirked return.
"Or can you bare standing in the presence of my bare torso without wishing to be ravished?" A robe was thrown on my face a reply.
"Clothes on now my king! I'm still your guard!" I placed my tunic on.
"Not for long, soon you'll be my queen,"
I somehow managed to limp to the kitchen for breakfast. Atem apparently is very dominant, maybe due to the alcohol, but that's besides the point. I gathered up my plate full of food and pushed aside Ori who was passed out on the servant's table from eating too much last night. Mana soon after joined me.
"Good morning (Y/N)!"
"Morning Mana!"
"Where did you go last night? I lost you after the dance! And why are you limping?" I blushed before trying to hide my crime.
"Um, I-I had to help Atem to his room! He passed out from the alcohol," she gave a mischievous smile.
"To his room? Really, because some servants said they heard weird noises last night. You didn't by any chan-"
"ANYWAYS! Here comes Alexandra!"
Somehow, Alexandra looked worse than I did. I was well capable to enduring pain silently while she looked like she had been run over by all the horses in the stables...multiple times. She groaned and plopped down on the table, barely missing her plate of food. I gave her a quizzical look.
"What in Ra's name happened to you!?"
"My legs...I feel like they've been stabbed!
"Yeah, mine to-," we looked at each other with red faces.
"Why do your legs hurt?" We said simultaneously.
"I asked first!"
By now we were standing up, forehead to forehead, until Mana cleared her throat.
"Excuse me, but care to explain what are those on your necks?"
I suddenly remembered the marks Atem had left the night pervious. Looking at Alexandra, I could only assume one thing.
"You and Seto?"
"Yep. You and the Pharaoh?"
"Definitely," Mana dropped her jaw.
"Great Ra! You," she pointed to the star reader. "Slept with the high priest! And you," pointing to me "slept with the Pharaoh!?" We nodded.
"Why?!" I gave her a deadpanned look.
"Did I not mention the alcohol?" She slapped her forehead.
"Is there anything else to confess?" I raised my hand, showing off the ring.
"We are also getting married," I head a plate drop. I turned to find Seto with a horrified look on his face before screaming at the top of his lungs.
Atem POV
Watching Seto pace back and forth as he tried to comprehend the news of my engagement was both terrifying and amusing at the same time. (Y/N) sat at my side, her face brightened by happiness by Seto's suffering. My cousin finally stopped and spoke to us.
"Of all the women, why her?" I growled at him.
"She's kind, devoted, intelligent, and I love her Seto,"
"She a peasant!"
"And far more educated than any of the princesses you have brought me Seto! I am Pharaoh and my decision is final! (Y/N) is to be my queen!" He huffed in defeat.
"You could've at least waited until the wedding night," (Y/N) laughed.
"Oh that is rich coming from you Seto! Word to the wise, next time leave marks in places covered by clothing!" He blushed madly before storming out. Muhad walked in and congratulated us.
"I had a feeling you two would wind up together,"
"You always knew me best,"
"So when's the ceremony?" My queen tilted her head.
"We don't know yet. Soon probably,"
"Perhaps a moon? The festival to Ra is then and I believe that would be an excellent time for you take a queen your highness," we looked to each other, smiled, and nodded.
"A moon it is then. We must begin preparations immediately!" Muhad smiled and ran out to tell the rest of the staff. I felt arms around my neck. Quickly and ensnared the woman I loved in my own. She kissed me.
"Please don't make too much of a fuss,"
"(Y/N), you will be my queen, at my side for eternity! I will spare no expense for this occasion,"
"Atem, please, I'm not worth all this trouble!" I passionately slammed my lips against he's before picking her up.
"You are worth far more than anything, my jewel," I carried her off to our chambers, yes ours, in hopes of continuing what we had began earlier.
Somehow I managed to escape the sexual advances of my future husband and snuck down into the stables to groom our two horses, an activity I had found very calming. Once I reached my destination, I found Ori asleep on a stack of feed. I picked him up and placed him on my head, something I had often done when he was a hatchling. He didn't seem to mind as I scratched between his wings. I finally made it to our horses's stalls, Spirit keeping a watchful eye on his pregnant mate. Mira perked up at the sight of me with a brush in my hand. I placed a hand to her muzzle.
"Hello there girl," she whinnied softly as I began to groom her, absentmindedly speaking to all the animals.
"Well, I don't think your master can call Spirit a lecher anymore after what he did to me last night. Spirit neighed in anger while Ori growled. I simply laughed.
"Now now, no need for anger. After all, we're getting married," the anger halted as the two looked away in jealousy. I rolled my eyes.
"Oh don't worry, I'm not going to forget the other men in my life. It's so strange though, only a few moons ago I was out wondering the world and now I'm about to become queen of Egypt. It's almost like a dream," I finished grooming Mira and placed the brush beside me before parting her belly which would soon begin to swell.
"I guess my children will be your foals master Mira,"
Sorry it's short! I've been away for spring break! Next one will be better!

Atem x Reader The Pharaoh and the Wind ChaserWhere stories live. Discover now