Authors note

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(edited from original)

Just some insight and thank yous:

Actually the reason I started writing this book so avidly in the beginning was because it was my release and my escape from my personal issues. I put my heart and soul into this book almost literally. This creation means the world to me, it's the one thing that will always be mine no matter how other people see it.

Finally The next update/part is not going to be about the most vital parts of the plot that you are dying to unravel but infact a slice of the start of this book brought back in a way. Instead of stressing on not being able to write the harder substance I decided to give you part of that chemistry and fun that the more serious plot left behind a while ago. My inspiration is actually brought from some people close to my heart so I hope you enjoy it.

Finally (the second): I would like to say thank you to every single person who is still with me on this journey whether from the very start or even if you read the whole book in the last few weeks. I would be nothing without you. To my more verbal and actively supportive readers who comment and vote or message me; Thank you so much, honestly if I could I would hug all of you and buy you chocolate for being so incredible.

And now I must say farewell and that I much hope you enjoy the next part which will be uploaded in the next half an hour.

TTFN (ta ta for now)

Ella <3

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