Jake The Fuck Boy

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Mia's POV

I knock on the door waiting for him to answer but when it feels like eternity passed I start banging on it harshly "Noah open the fucking door so I can apologize"

I huff taking a deep breath. This fucking jerk is being well a jerk when I am trying to be a good friend and apologize.

I stop banging and just stare at the door. Fuck this is really hurting my ego. "Noah please open the door" I beg softly but loud enough for him to hear.

I gritty my teeth when the door stays closed and lean against it slowly crouching down until I'm sitting on the pavement with my back against the door "fine I'll just wait here all night if I have to"

I swear I waited like 5 minutes for the door to open before I lost my shit. "Noah if you don't open this fucking door so I can apologize I'll strangle you, you jerk" I yell.

I kick the door but wince and step back rubbing my toe. Because this idiot is being petty my toe got hurt. Two can play at this game.

"Noah if you don't open this door we won't be friends anymore" I yell once again but without the whole banging on the door part.

The door still stays fucking closed and I've never wanted to rip a door off its hinges as much as I want to right now. Actually I'm lying because I saw this guy do it in a movie and it looked super badass so I wanted to try it but I ended bruising my leg. How the fuck does that even happen.

I'm actually quite hurt right now. Does Noah not care about our friendship? I feel the rage burning inside me, I've worked so hard to be nice to him, I'm even helping him find his fucking ring after he's been nothing but a jerk to me. I don't even think as I let the rage take over.

"You know what fuck you Noah I don't want to be your friend either, I'll just find another guy friend who actually cares about me you prick" and with that I swiftly turn and prepare myself for the walk home that's surely going to be filled with rage.

But the door opens, fucking finally. Took this princess long enough to get off of his high horse to do it. I turn around to give him a piece of my mind when he grabs my arm and yanks me back into the house slamming the door shut behind him.

"You don't think I care" he seethes giving me his famous glare that always seems to be pointed at me.

I roll my eyes at his attitude "I only said that so you would open the door dipshit"

"Do you think you could find another guy that would put up with your shit" he says through clenched teeth and I gasp.

This time I'm giving him a glare "you know what fucking bet dude you got me fucked up with your attitude"

He sarcastically laughs looking at me in disbelief "fine bet, no dude would wanna hang out with your crazy ass anyway"

I don't even say anything as I open the door not even bothering to close it as I storm down the pavement but I turn before I start making my way back home to give him my last glare which only intensifies at his smirk at me "Noah shut the fuck up"

I storm all the way to my house grabbing a box of cereal and saying hi to my mom completely ignoring her stupid boyfriend who got me into this whole fucking mess.

I go up to my room and close my door heading for my bean bag chair. I plop down it gobbling down my  fruit loops that I snatched from the kitchen. This idiot Noah has this talent in making me so angry.

But yet I still can't find myself to leave him alone, am I that intrigued in him. Well he is a complete mystery and the more I hang out with him the more of a mystery he is. I can't believe this jerk made me walk home alone, sure I denied it the first time but that only because of my ego, I thought he thought I was weak. And I am not!

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