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Mia's POV

"What the actual fuck were you thinking, didn't I fucking tell you to wait inside by the door or are you fucking deaf or something, I didn't think you were a fucking idiot but apparently I was wrong" Noah seethes as he storms up to me grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards the car.

I hold the puppy tighter to myself with my other arm that isn't being practically tugged off. As soon as I sit in the passenger seat Noah slams the door almost hitting me and I scowl. He sure has a colorful vocabulary, I'm pretty sure his favorite word is 'fuck'.

I've never seen him this mad before and to be honest it kind of scares me, which is why I didn't say anything. I feel tears prick my eyes as his words ring through my head and look out the window holding the puppy closer to myself. Damn it why do I have to be such a cry baby.

He starts the car and speeds out of the parking lot passing through a red light causing me to gasp and look over at him. His jaw is locked and he is glaring at the rode, his knuckles turning white from the death grip he has on the wheel.

I gulp "Noah" I say timidly.

"What" he snaps not even looking at me his knuckles becoming whiter if possible.

"I think you should calm down before we crash" I say shakily holding onto the puppy tighter and gripping the edge of my seat.

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down, god knows what would have happened if I didn't find you, how stupid are you" Noah grits out still focusing on the road and I the feel car speed up once again. I start to feel my heart beat increase until all I hear is the thumping of my heart.

"Noah" I whimper out feeling a tear come out.

"I'm sorry Noah please" I beg.

"Fuck" he grunts when he passes another red light. I bite my lip to stop a sob from coming out. "Noah your scaring me please calm down" I beg once agin as another tear falls down my cheek.

It finally must have gotten to him because the car slows down and I feel myself relax a little. He doesn't say anything and neither do I as I sit back into my seat properly.

"Look Noah I'm-"

"We will talk when we get to my house" Noah says quickly cutting me off and I sigh turning away.

I sniff and wipe away my tears begging them not to fall anymore and embarrass me more than they already have.

I feel Noah grab my hand and I look over at him to see him still focused on the road and pissed as ever. I look back down only to see our hands intertwined and I smile.

I squeeze his hand and relax not saying anything, I give the puppy a quick kiss before looking out the window.


We pull up to a cozy little house and Noah takes his hand out of mine and storms into the house. I frown, well I guess angry and scary Noah is back.

I get out the car with the puppy still in my arms and head inside his house. I enter his house to find him sitting in the living room with his head in his hands.

I wince when I see his bloody knuckles and set the puppy down, turning to look at him "where is the first aid kit"

He points to the first door in the hallway right next to the kitchen and I nod my head heading over there. I step inside and immediately look in the cabinet for the first aid kit and smile in achievement when I find it. I quickly take it and head over back to Noah who is still in the same position.

I wish he wasn't this mad at me.

Maybe he is the one on his man period. With his fucking mood swings I think bitterly as I sit next to him and take his hands into mine.

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