Pinky Promise

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Mia's POV

I grab my stuff and exit the classroom planning Noah's death and worried about mine by my mom when she finds out about this. Which, fingers crossed hopefully she doesn't.

Since the front office was so hard to find the first time I decided on just following Noah. Which seemed to only tick him off, if him picking up his pace means anything.

The front office comes into my vision and I can already imagine how it's gonna go. Horrible. I debate if I should start praying know or later.

I expect him to walk into the front office but he justs keeps walking straight. What the hell is he blind or something.

"Dude the front office is this way, you blind or something" I ask voicing my thoughts. He tenses and stops walking only to turn around a walk back towards me.

"Listen here Mira is it" he seethes, anger clearly radiating off him. "Mia" I quickly correct him fully intrested in what he wants to say. If only it was an apology because that's the only thing I want to hear from him.

"Whatever, why don't you mind your own business, stop being so clingy and annoying, and watch that big mouth of yours before it gets you into bigger trouble than it already has before" he growls out his eyes turning a shade darker. I keep my cool though, only on the exterior, on the inside I'm sweating bullets and shaking in my shoes.

I'm in a state of shock right now because I have no clue of what to do. Do I run or show this guy how big my mouth can be.

At my lack of response he turns around at starts walking away not before he scoffs and rolls his eyes of course. Fucking gentleman.

So I do what any normal person would do in this moment which is throw my backpack at him like I wanted to do the first time I met the prick.

As soon as the backpack leaves my hands and goes flying in the air, I'm sprinting down the hallway looking for the nearest exit.

All I hear in the background is a thump followed by cursing and then loud footsteps coming my way.

Oh shit I didn't plan this far ahead. How the hell am I going to out run this guy if I don't know where I'm even going and if he looks like a fucking professional athlete.

I almost trip when I hear him let out a loud "MIA". Hey at least he remembered my name this time.

He's getting closer and if I don't think of something smart and quickly he's going to get me and possible kill me. So I do something once again any normal person would do and that would be to stop and duck.

I feel something hit my back and then see him tumbling over me. I get up and start sprinting back the way we came full on bursting with laughter. What an idiot.

Not to long I hear footsteps once again and him yelling at me "Your fucking dead when I get you, you hear me, and stop with the fucking hyena laughing"

His response only makes me laugh harder and I try my best to compose myself because all the laughing is slowing me down. I couldn't help but respond though "That's if you get me and stop tripping over obvious things you idiot" I yell back at him as best as I can through my laughter.

The bell rings and I luckily get lost in the crowd. This time it was me who got saved by the bell.

I locate my backpack and start heading out the front door of the school to begin my lovely journey home when I feel a hand clasp over my mouth and waist.

I try to scream but it's muffled by the person's hand. Whoever it is has to be strong because I can't get his grip on my mouth or waist off.

Soon enough I find myself in what I assume is the janitors closet, I mean with what seems like cleaning utensils that I guess since its really fucking dark. Omg I'm going to get murdered here. Of all the places to get murdered a school would be bottom of my list. Who wants to die in a school anyway. Oh no I've been lacking in my praying lately hopfuly the Lord forgives me and gives me a chance in heaven.

Honestly though I'm not prepared to die. I should of gotten a warning about this before it actually happend. How am I supposed to plan my funeral when I'm already dead.

My rabbling in my head is cut off when the light is turned on and I realize my murderer is actually just Noah.

I can't help but burst out laughing again because all I see is him tripping over me. He scowls grabbing my wrists and pinning them above my head, pushing me against the wall.

"Stop fucking laughing, what did I say about the hyena laugh" he growls out tightening his grip on my wrist.

"Omg stop I can't all I see is you being the idiot you are and tripping over me, you should of seen it it was absolutely amazing especially from my point of view from the floor" I say in between laughs which only seems to anger him more.

"Listen here you annoying fucking hyena, I'm going to make your life living fucking hell in this school if you don't leave me the fuck alone, got it" he says his tone hard and serious full of promises but not the good kind.

"Shut the fuck up" I say my laughter long forgoten at his fucking foul language towards me.

"Your going to make my life living hell, really I'd like to see you try" I say only egging his anger on even more.

"I guess we will fucking see then" he says letting go of my wrists and stepping back.

"Pinky promise" I demand sticking my pinky out at him. He gives me a wierd look and I roll my eyes.

"You got to pinky promise to make my life living hell" I explain knowing it would piss him off even more.

He scoffs taking a step towards me "your unbelievable" he says through gritted teeth bending down a little so we can be more at eye level.

I smile at the accomplishment of making him even more pissed.

Suddenly the door busts open and I almost get a whiplash at how fast I turn my head to see who caught us.

Shut Upजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें