The Ring

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Mia's POV

A couple stumbles into the janitors closet kissing and groping each other everywhere. I yelp as they get close to me and cringe when they start taking their clothes off not even noticing me and Noah. Once they are out of the doorway I sprint out and into the parking lot.

Couldn't the couple do it somewhere else or does it have to be in a janitors closet. Me and Noah were having a civil conversation before they interrupted. I hope bleach spills on them and a broom falls on their heads. Harsh but true.

Actually I might need the bleach for my eyes after what I just saw.

I start making my way home after the wonderful day I had in school. Sarcasm intended. Guess who got homework already, you know what's coming the homework rant.

First of all bitch I go to school to learn and if you can't teach me in that time period of hell then don't be a fucking teacher. But don't go and give me work to do at home, that's what I was suppose to do at school. I'm sorry if I don't want to spend my entire life doing schoolwork. I have a fucking life. But then the teacher gets pissed if you forget or didn't have time to do your homework and when you ask for extra time the teacher is always like 'look I have other students not just you I can't help everyone' or 'it wouldn't be far to the other students'.
First of all you old hag we ain't talking about other students we are talking about me and bitch I have other teachers that give homework like you and I can't do it all on one day or I'll be put into a hospital afterwards.

All I'm saying is homework should be illegal. Home and work do not mix what so ever.

Now that I'm back from my rant I see an angry looking Noah coming in my direction. And for a second I thought I got away and scotch free too. I don't stop or run this time because

1. I don't want him to find out where I live with him chasing me and all

2. I don't have the energy for that shit

3. Curiosity killed the car and that cat is me but I'd preferably be a cheetah those things are the most majestic creatures I've ever seen

4. I don't know I just didn't want my list to end off on an odd number so ya but I also like chocolate it's pretty majestic too

I feel him grab my wrist and I turn to look at him curiously.

"Give it back you little shit"

I'm taken back by his use of crude words even though those crude words leave my mouth almost everyday, I don't like them being directed at me.

I plaster a fake smile and say through gritted teeth "try again"

Literally keeping my cool because I'm about to lose my shit.

"I know you took my ring give it back and I'm not asking for it again" he says right back through gritted teeth.

I open my mouth to respond but he interupts me.

"10 seconds or I swear I'll kill you right here with my bare hands"

"The ring" he says opening up his palm waiting for me to place this stupid ring that he thinks I stole which I didnt for your information. I would know if I stole something; usually.

I look back up at him and he seriously thinks I took his stupid ring. What an asshole, assuming I took it, he my friends is an assumer. I scoff and roll my eyes.


1 second. Just to tick him off I'm saying it very slowly so maybe he will understand even with his head so far up his ass.


2 seconds

He takes a threatening step forward making me take one back.

"Oh for fucks sake that's it" he lunges for me and we both tumble to the ground my backpack breaking my fall a little.

"What the bloody hell do you think your doing Noah get the fuck off me" I yell placing my hands on his chest and pushing him off me. Which is to my displeasure harder then I thought.

"Fuck your heavy, get off" I groan when I can't get him off me.

He gasps "did you just call me fat"

"You said it not me and-"

I gasp when he puts his hand in the pocket of my jean.

"Boy, the fuck you think your doing get your hands off of me"

"Noah I mean it get it out of my pock-"

My words get stuck in my throught when he reaches for my back pocket literally groping my butt. I wonder what this looks like probably not good. Oh no I'm no better then that couple in the janitors closet.

"Noah I'm going to kick you in your balls in 5 seconds actually right now" I finish my sentence with my knee conecting with his groin.

He let's out a groan and rolls away from me. I get up and brush the gravel from my jeans giving him my coldest stare. I also sadly have to catch my breath only because I was scared no other reason at all.

He gets up quickly once he recovers and turns towards me "please Mia I need that ring"

That stops me from attacking because he got my name right and he actually looks sad about his ring. Probably means something to him then.

I sigh "look dude I don't know where your ring is and if you let me finish my sentence I was going to tell you that, don't be an assumer you idiot" I finish off trying not to come off harsh but wince a little at my little remark at the end it just came out naturally.

He looks heartbroken about his ring and with a groan sits down on the pavement.

I bite my lip willing myself not to say what I'm about to say but it comes out anyway.

"Listen you don't need to get all mopey I can help you find your ring if it makes you feel better"

He looks up at me a twinkle of hope mixed with mischievous in his eyes.

I gulp, I hope I don't regret this.

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