Damn I'm Slick

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Mia's POV

"Watch it you fucking retard you got two legs for a reason use them" I yell as this guy stumbles into me almost making me fall. He continues stumbling down the hallway bumping into other students ignoring my snarky remark.

I roll my eyes at the guys stupidity and continue my way to lunch. So my third period to put it nicely was trash which is photography. I already have a project for phtography, I have to take a picture of something ironic. But that's not all I already have an assignment for English. I have to write a report on some dead guy and relate it to how he would be like in our century. He's fucking dead get over it.

And to think the teacher Mr.Smith actually thought we were gonna enjoy this. Telling us he's going to start us off with a fun report. Fun my ass.

Once I get my lunch I head outside since I'm not going to sit alone at a table like a loser. I find a nice tree and sit under it the shade blocking the sun. I look down at my tray and wonder if it's illegal to give kids this nasty crap.

It's supposed to be this pasta thing but I don't think they got the texture right or the ingredients come to think of it.

I push the plate off me grabing the apple off the tray and taking a bite. Look at me eating all healthy and stuff, it's disguisting. It's times like these I wish I had an unlimited supply of chocolates.

I grab my phone and see my mom texted me asking me how school is going. I send her a quick text telling her I rather be jumping off a cliff knowing it will tick her off and shut my phone off.

I start thinking of what I'm going to take a picture of for my photography project when out of the corner of my eyes I see some guy light a cigarette and turn walking to the side of the building.

I smile grabbing my phone and walking closer to the guy. I crouch behind a tree that's closer to the guy. Once I get a good look at him I realize it's the guy I bumped into earlier. Fucking jerk. But sadly a handsome one.

I quickly get my phone and take a picture. My heart stops beating when the flash turns on as well. I gulp peaking from the tree and see him looking around with a scowl etched on his face. Oh well serves him right for being a jerk to me earlier.

I look at the picture and its perfect. The irony will be doing something that will kill you but doing it anyway. It's perfect cliche but perfect. I also don't want to admit that he looks good in the picture to, I didn't even photoshop or add a filter yet, this ladies and gentleman is not fair.

The bell rings and he puts out the cancer stick heading back into class. I get out of my amazing hiding spot and look down at my schedule to see what class I have next which is physics. Just wonderful.

I finally find the stupid fucking class which has to be in the most invisible spot on campus. Just as I enter the classroom the bell rings and I mentally groan when everyone's eyes land on me.

The teacher looks over at me and smiles "and who might you be" he asks.

"I might be Mia Garcia your new student" I answer back waiting for his reaction.

All I get is a twitch of his eye, his smile turning into a grimace and him telling me to take a seat. Could of just said that in the beggining would of saved everyone all the useless talk. I roll my eyes a find a seat by the window which I settle in.

I debate over if I should plug in my headphones or not. But with the side glare the teacher has been giving me from time to time I decide against it.

I don't think I've ever been this bored in my life. It doesn't help that my teacher Mr.Johnson has such a monotone voice that it might as well be a lullaby. But a lullaby for grownups.

"Did you hear what Noah did" I hear this high pitch girly voice ask. I look over to see this blonde talking to this ginger. My curiosity peaks and I inwardly smirk, this could be intresting; gossip.

I lean my head in their direction but face the other way so it doesn't look like I'm listening in to their conversation. Which is exactly what I'm doing and I don't fell bad one fucking bit.

"No what did he do now"

"Apparently he's in a gang now"

"No way"

"Yes way"

"Also Lily saw him working at the strip club"

"I think that makes him even more hotter"

"Sofia remember what happened to the last girl that talked to him, he completely embarassed her. But I agree he is pretty hot and the gang slash stripper thing only helps"

They both burst into a fit of giggles and I have to force myself not to cringe at the high pitched sound. I wonder who this Noah guy is. He sounds pretty badass and apparently hot. In a gang though that's some dangerous shit the guy got into. But stripper....... I mean you gotta do what you gotta do I ain't gonna judge.

Wait what am I talking about not everything you hear is true. He's probably not even in a gang I mean who am I kidding his name might not even be Noah. I highly doubt he would be a stripper also.

The class finishes and I pray that the next classes go by nicely.

I head for my next class which is US goverment and politics with a sigh.

Your never going to believe what happened on my way their this idiot bumped me into a couple who were eating eachothers faces off, at least that's what it looked like. And the guy didn't even notice he was about to kiss me but I quickly ducked and sprinted away hearing a slap and a high girly voice yelling at someone.

I'm already causing girls problems with keeping their boyfriend's. Damn I'm slick.

I enter my class and wonder if the Lord is just trying to mess with me or just likes to ignore my prayers.

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