Jackie Chan

572 21 0

Mia's POV

"Fuck that shit I'm out" I whisper yell to Noah ready to sprint out of the tattoo place as soon as we walk in. If I thought the outside was intimidating then I don't know what the inside would be considered.

There is a whole bunch of big muscly guys in here who all have a dangerous aurora around them. There are a few women but all of them have the most skimpiest outfits I've ever seen. There is a guy in the corner giving me a toothy grin making me scoot even closer to Noah then I already am.

"Your being over dramatic again" Noah huffs before rolling my eyes and continues walking.

"Wait Noah I'm going to wait outside while you check" I say grabbing his wrist.

"Stop being a baby"

"Noah" I whine looking around again making sure the guy still giving me a toothy grin doesn't get any ideas.

"Mia just stand by the door don't go outside it's not safe by yourself" he warns and in I turn already heading towards the door.

This time Noah grabs my wrist "Mia I mean it don't move from that spot"

"Your being over dramatic again" I mimic him from before and he grits his teeth before walking away, calling to this guy named Reggie.

I sigh and stand by the door wishing this would go by faster.

"Psst hey little lady"

I turn my head to see two lanky guys calling me over. I scoff like I would listen to them. I watched movies!

"Would you like this little puppy we found him abandoned and saved him from starving to death but we can't afford him" one of the lanky guys explains.

"We would give him to the pound but they would just put him to sleep" the other guy says.

My heart breaks at the thought and condition of the poor puppy. "Awe poor thing where is he" I ask stepping closer to them.

"Follow us, we just left her in the alleyway since most of the stores here don't allow animals inside and we wanted to look for an owner" the taller guy explains stepping out of the store with me following.

It's just a block away from the tattoo place so hopefully I will be back before Noah notices.

They turn into an alley and I stop at the entrance, all the movies I watched about kidnapping and shit like this coming into my head.

"Woah woah woah let me see the puppy first" I say sternly crossing my arms over my chest.

"Of course" the shorter guy says giving me a grin but it doesn't reach his eyes. I narrow my eyes when the taller one gives me a smirk.

The shorter guy comes out of the shadows with a small skinny white dog with black spots and I immediately awe at the site.

"Come here little girl and take him" the shorter guy says while the other one nods.

"How do I know you guys won't do anything risky, just letting you know I watched taken I know how this shit goes" I say pointing an accusing finger at them which only seems to amuse them.

"Don't worry we only want to give you the dog silly girl" the taller one says kindly through rotten teeth.

I take a step closer but stop and think. What am I doing? I'm going to get kidnapped? I'll never get to meet Beyoncé? But I really like that puppy! I don't want to leave it alone with these men!

"How about you just put the puppy on the ground" I offer which they both shake their heads to.

"Broken leg" the shorter one says sadly giving me a what I assume is a fake frown.

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