The Closet

588 17 2

Mia's POV

Right now I'm defiantly regretting it.

"Noah your being an idiot, we are not going inside the principals office while he's not there" I scold him and start backing up at his idiotic plan.

This morning when I walk into school, Noah came running up to me telling me about how he was in the principals office because he got into a fight with this kid and then the kid said shit and they started fighting in there. So the idiot thinks it's somewhere in there and wants us to sneak in.

He turns to glare at me, pointing an accusing finger my way. "Didn't you say you would help me now stop being such a pussy and just be the look out person"

Now it's my turn to glare at him "I don't think calling a woman a pussy is really a insult bitch so shut up"

He slaps his face letting out a loud groan. "Would you stop being difficult for once"

"I'm not difficult you dick"

"You are"

"Am not"

"Yes you are"

"Just open the fucking door already before someone sees us" I growl giving up on this stupid argument.

"Finally" he grunts opening the door and a relieved look taking over his face when he sees no one is inside.

"Listen all you have to do is stand by the door while I look around for my ring, please don't screw this up like I pretty sure you will" he says casually then starts looking for his ring.

I glare at his butt when he bends down to look under the principals desk. "I'm helping you here, I don't have to be here but I am, so the least you could do is not be an asshole" I say just as casually.

He ignores me and keeps looking for his ring with me every now and then looking out the window for the principal.

Once he looks everywhere even in the guys closet where I guess he keeps the records and stuff, he goes back under the desk to look. I doubt it's in here, I mean Noah even checked the cabinets and no success.

I look back over to the little glass window at the door and let out a quiet 'shit' as my eyes widen and I start panicking.

"Noah" I shriek making him jump which caused his head to bump the principals table. He gets up with a groan holding his head looking royally pissed off.

"What the fuck is wrong with you" he spits giving me a nasty glare.

"The principal is coming that's what's wrong with me" I whisper yell frantically.

His eyes widen when we hear the principals cough and footsteps get louder. He grips my wrist and pulls me to the closet, pushing me inside and shoving himself inside as well.

I become super stiff and try my best to control my breathing when I hear the door open. I'm trying not to breath loud but by doing that I'm holding my breath making me let out loud breaths which are louder. Noah grips my wrist harder giving me a other glare.

I look up at him for help. If my mom finds out I'm dead which only makes my breathing pick up.

I hear principal Johnson stop moving and I'm assuming he's thinking or listening for something which makes my breath hitch at the mere thought of him suspecting something.

Noah grabs me by the back of my head and with the other hand grabs me by the waist pulling me to him. He leans down to my face whispering a quiet 'calm down'.

I wanna say that his soothing words combined with his hands on my body didn't have the affect to calm me down enough so my breathing was in control but I can't which pisses me off. So I mutter a quiet 'shut up' back to him.

He rolls his eyes and goes back to listening closely to Mr. Johnson.

I start to become stuffy and uncomfortable because this is a small fucking closet meant for boxes and school shit not two people. I'm starting to lose the feeling of my legs and other limbs and I'm afraid I'll fall if I don't move soon.

I start to wiggle a bit so I could stretch my limbs but Noah squeezes me closer as a warning making me let out a quiet grunt.

I let out a breath resting my head on his chest and putting my arms around his waist closing my eyes. I feel him tense up but then after a couple seconds he relaxes.

Fuck this is so boring. Honestly getting caught is starting to sound better then spending another second in this stupid small stuffy closet.

I feel Noah move a little bit and I look up at him because he's taller than me which makes me also a little mad because he just has that advantage.

I realize he is listening to Mr. Johnson again and I decide to do it to leaning towards the closet door a little as well.

"Okay I'll be right there Mr. Smith"

I hear footsteps and then the door close and I don't think I've ever been happier.

I practically tear the closet door off it's hinges and jump out laying in one of the sofa chairs in the room. I groan stretching my limbs and then start heading for the door mumbling incoherent threats to Noah while he just rolls his eyes.

"Drama queen"

"I could have died in there you idiot that's the last time you make me do stupid shit with you again" I grumble out opening the door and walking out. Great I'm missing some of my first period now, moms going to kill me. Fuck, I'll just say there was a substitute and he or she probably missed my name or something. That lie usually works anyway.

"Last time I ask you to do shit with me, period. You suck at keeping quiet because of your noisy ass we almost got caught. And you couldn't stop moving which wasn't helping either, your like a little kid" Noah says walking in step with me.

"Um well this noisy ass is helping you find your stupid ring so I suggest you keep your asshole-ness to a minimum. Also I think you should just shut up" I say giving him a quick glare.

"Fine I'll try but first we are heading to the boys locker room" he says and I feel the color drain from my face.

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