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Mia's POV

There in the back of the class is the good looking prick that bumped into me in the morning. Actually I got bumped into a lot today so this school might be putting drugs in the school lunch I mean that would explain the smell.

I groan ducking my head down hoping he doesn't notice me and head to the back of the class then going all the way to the right away from him.

The bell rings starting the class and starting my inner anxiety. The teacher walks up to the front of the class with a smile on her face.

I dont know how she does it, dealing with teenagers all day sounds horrible and I am a teenager.

"Ok class my name is Mrs. Benson and today I'm going to be putting you into partners which will be happening a lot in my class. I love group work. Anyway today your going to be  introduced to your partners and given an assignment that will be due at the end of the first semester" she explains only making me sink further in my seat.

She looks like the type of teacher that would make you introduce yourself to the whole class so I'm not surprised that shes making us work in groups. As long as I'm put with a smart human being I'm golden.

I look around and realize most of the class has already split into groups since they all know each other. The perks of being a new student not knowing a single totured soul in school and forced to work with the schools weirdo or loser.

I pray the Lord to not be put with someone that picks their nose and eats it.

"Ok class settle down I see everyone has gotten partners but I've already picked out partners for you" she's says cheerfully which is followed by the classes groans and shouts of complaint.

She chuckles "Okay I'll be listing the names out loud so quiet down"

She clear her through and begins

"Ava and Brendan, Daniel and Bryan,...."

I drone out the rest until I hear my name "Mia and Noah"

I freeze is the Noah kid who I think it is. Isn't he the kid the two chipmunk squealing girls were talking about.

I raise my head from my desk that I was happily resting on and search for who I think this Noah kid is. No fucking clue.

"Ok class find your partners" she says and goes back to sit in her desk. I look around the room again looking for the poor soul who happens to be my partner.

When my eyes connect with the handsome prick from the morning I feel my heart drop. He rolls his eyes and goes back onto his phone.

I gritt my teeth at his blatant disrespect towards me. The teacher looks up and furrows her eyebrows when she sees I'm all alone.

She gets up from her seat and starts making her way towards me. I slump in my seat praying for her to trip or for some kid to throw up; anything I'm desperate here.

"What your name sweety" she asks politely. I cringe at the happiness in her voice and the nickname. "Mia" I answer quickly wanting this conversation to end as quickly as possible.

She nods her head and looks around the room "I would like it If you moved closer to your partner Noah over there that would be great" she said looking over at handsone prick dude from the morning.

Everything clicks and I gasp thats Noah. "Stripper dude" leaves my mouth before I can comprehend it and the teachers head shoots over to me her mouth slightly agap.

"Rumors" I tell her trying to act as if I haven't completely embarassed myself. Great first impression Mia.

She gives me an awkward chuckle and walks back to her seat before flicking her eyes back at me. Her eyes narrow a bit then she looks over at Noah and then back at me.

I sigh getting the hint and get up, grabbing my stuff and heading over to the open seat next to Noah.

I sit down and grab my phone about to check my McDonald's app to see if I got any coupons but put my phone away when she starts scolding this guy about going on his phone instead of talking and takes it putting it on her desk.

She starts coming closer to us so I decide to start the conversation first.

"Hi I'm Mia" I say nicely turning towrds Noah only to have him flick his eyes briefly towards me then back down to his phone.

"No one cares" he grumbles out before putting his phone away once he sees Mrs. Benson coming closer. Honestly I would have preferred the wierd kid who pick his noise and eats it right now.

I scowl at his rude attitude or more like personality. "No need to be a prick dude" I growl at him turning in my chair so I can fully face him.

He looks at me with a glare that sends chills down my spine. This dude could definently be in a gang he's got the scary look and aurora. But stripper, I'd like to see that. I inwardly snort at the thought.

"Watch who your calling a prick dumbass" he growls back at me. I gasp completely speechless at his constant rudeness. "Shut up" and with that I turn around in my seat facing the front again.

Mrs. Benson comes up to us eyeing us suspiciously. "Have you two been getting to know each other and discussing ideas for the project" she asks and we both nod our head.

She narrows her eyes "really" she asks doubt clear in her voice.

"Yes this guys name is Noah he likes to be mean to people and ruin their day. He also likes stripping and is in a gang and possibly has anger problems" I say with a cheery smile making her eyes widen.

Noah tenses releasing a scoff "This girl if you will likes to annoy people and bumping into them. She also likes to lie a lot and has a big mouth if you can't tell already" he says then putting a fake cherry smile of himself copying me.

"That's it you two to the front office now" Mrs. Benson yells pointing at the door. Just fucking great.

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