Chapter 3.2

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Hey, guys! First of all, I'm so excited that I've finally hit 1k reads!! Thanks for your continuous support! This story is so much fun to write and Foursome is my favorite show at the moment. I have high expectations for Season 3, but in case it doesn't come out the way I hope, I still have my story. So anyway, keep up the support and please comment, vote and follow if you enjoy my story :)

Dakota peered out at the neighborhood as he drove. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure that people had to be well-off to live around there. Detached houses, nice lawns, smart cars, big gardens. There was a big park on his left as he drove around the wide, curved road. Tennis courts. An enclosed play-ground with kids in it and their mothers watching. Dakota scowled. He didn't like children. They made him feel anxious with their never-ending questions and their tantrums.

As he drove a couple houses down that road he swore he saw a shirtless man out of the corner of his eye. Screeching to a halt, he reversed and hit the gas again. In front of him stood a tall, muscular man who was watering his plants with a hose. Dakota stared at him in awe, mouth half open as the man's muscle rippled even through his clothes.

"Well, hello there, ya hunky piece of meat," Dakota hollered with a snicker, causing the man to drop the hose as he became aware of his presence. Quickly picking it back up, he stared back at Dakota.

"Get wet for me," Dakota commanded, chewing on his lip suggestively as the man gave him a pointed look. Moments later, he aimed the hose at Dakota and shot water in his direction.

Dakota thanked his lucky stars he'd been born with good reflexes. Had he taken a second longer, the water would've gotten inside the car and that would have been a pain to clean. On the bright side, at least he'd gotten a free car wash out of it.

"He so wants me," he sneered before driving again.

A few miles later he finally reached his destination. The gravel crunched beneath the car tires as he pulled up in the school's parking lot. Dakota hopped out and threw his trench coat back on. He tripped over the untied laces of his right sneaker before sprinting towards the back side of the building.

As soon as he reached the location where the media room was, he grabbed a stick from the ground and slid it in a small open space on the side of the window. They always made sure to stick a folded piece of paper there to create a little space in case they needed to get through the window in special situations like this.

He did a somersault through the window, making a victory sign with his fingers as he landed on his feet. Once inside, he tiptoed around the room just in case a security guard was there. However, he highly doubted it since the school's budget wasn't that high.

Dakota stopped in his tracks when saw someone laying on the couch. He had to rub his eyes, unable to comprehend how he could could have been able to spend the night there. Had it been Alec, he wouldn't had been so surprised; but Josh, that was rather odd. He was practically the only responsible person in their group. Something was definitely wrong.

Dakota stood silently by the couch where Josh lay unconscious, concern dawning in his eyes. The only indication that Josh was still alive was the faint raising and falling of his chest which acted to calm Dakota's apprehension.

Taking a few step towards his lifeless body, Dakota glanced around him. Scattered on the floor were two bottles of vodka. The contents were gone; there was barely a little inch in the bottom in one of them. Josh also reeked of alcohol and there was vomit on his shirt. Saying he was most definitely drunk was a bummer.

"I swear, it smells like fucking roadkill here," Dakota groaned in a nasal voice, pinching his nose and fanning the air around.

As he took another step closer to Josh, realization hit him; those bottles on the floor... He kneeled down, his bare skin getting soaked with what he could only hope was spilled vodka. He gagged in disgust. Crawling backwards, he sprinted away from the mysterious liquid, knowing too well what it was in reality. He took a rag that was lying on the floor and wiped it off his skin effusively.

Killing Me To Love You (Jandie) | Josh & Andie | Foursome show, Awesomess TVWhere stories live. Discover now