chapter 12

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Drama on set part 2
"He did what?" Riele yells
"Sshh not so hard!"
"How did he even get in here?"
"I don't know, but i'm keeping the baseball bat!" I say
"This is getting out of hand you need to tell someone"
"I'm telling you"
"Someone else, someone who actually knows what to do, like a grownup!"
"I don't know what if it gets worse?"
"What if it gets better?"
"Grace to set please" Dan says
"We'll talk about this later" I say

I walk away to set, do I tell anyone? Who would I tell, my parents would freak out immideantly call the police and not even listen to what I have to say, I could tell Dan, he would make sure he can't get in anymore, but I don't know if I trust him with this. I get on set and start with my scene, its a scene together with my 'mom', we're preparing the trap for captain man. I get to my place and wait for the camera's to get ready, I look around and see Jace giving me a thumps up, its nice to know that he will always be there for me even though he is not on stage with me. I smile a bit and start getting into character.

"And Action!" Dan yells
I'm waiting behind a wall untill I can walk down the stairs. After a few lines from Jennet (my 'mom') I can finally come in the scene.
"Looks good mom!" I say

"Thanks, how did you know that I bought it new?"  Jennet says

"I ment your trap not your clothes!"  I say sassy

"Oh well just come over here and help me!"

"How are you gonna capture him?"

"You mean how are we gonna capture him" she corrects me

"You mean I have to do more work?"

"Exactly!" She says, I sigh

"Okay fine, whats the plan?"

"You earned his trust right?" I nod. "And you have his number right?" I nod again. "You're gonna text him and meet up, Captain man probably doesn't trust it and comes along then we capture him"

"But what if he doesn't come along"

"Oh he will he is that father type"

"But what if he doesn't"

"Then we will THINK OF ANOTHER PLAN!" She yells

"And cut!" Dan yells, we did the scene a few times over to get every shot right, it didn't took us that long so we decided that we did the next scene without a break in between. The next scene is Henry getting a text from me in the mancave, that I want to hang out, Captain Man doesn't like the idea and neither does Charlotte.
"And action!" Dan yells

"You guys will never guess who texted me!" Jace says

"Who?" Riele asks
"Sara, she asks if I want to come to the park tomorrow" Jace says

"Say that your busy!" Cooper says while eating ice cream.

"So you don't have to go, I do that all the time!" Cooper says

"But I'm not busy, and I actually wanna hang out with her!"

"I don't think that is a good idea!" Riele says

"And why is that?" Jace asks

"Because I don't trust her"

"Why not she litterly saved my life!"

"Charlotte is right, you don't know that girl, and the way she behaved after the fight was just strange!"

"And thats why I want to know her better!"

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