chapter 13

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It's Friday, and I'm not in the first scene's of the day, so I spend my whole morning in school. In the meantime Jace and Riele play the mancave scene where Henry realizes that Captain man hasn't come back since forever. The second scene is where Jennet and Cooper are in the layer. It takes the whole morning and even a bit of lunch break, then finally its time for my scene. I'm wearing the same as yesterday with the same hairstyle and make up. Its supposed to be the same day.

I walk to set and get in place, behind a wall so I can't be seen untill I have to. The scene starts with Jace coming in the layer, he tries to get Cooper out of the chains but eventually get trapped himself.
"I said it once and I will say it again, this was so easy!" Jennet says

"Who are you?" Jace asks

"Me? I'm the one who thought of this master plan!"

"This is great we will never be able to get out of here!" Cooper whispers

"Don't be so negative... I totally forgot my line!" Jace says, we all start laughing. "I thought Cooper was bad with lines" Riele says who has been watching us.
"Hé thats mean!" Cooper yells, at this moment I'm laughing on the ground.
"Okay everyone Jace knows his lines can we go further please?" The director asks. Everyone gets back into places and we start over with the scene.

"Don't be so negative we have hope!" Jace whispers back

"Oh yeah who?"

"Well you know Sara"

"Can you stop about her, its her's fault!"

"Its not if you didn't come we wouldn't be here!"

"Oh so know its my fault!"

"Yes it is, now get my phone and call Sara"

At this point Jennet is listening to music and Cooper is trying to get the fake phone, but accidentaly drops it, they just go further improvising.

"Great job Ray" jace whispers

"I can make mistakes too"

Jace shoves the phone towards Cooprt with his foot, and after a little effort he finally got it. "Cut! Okay great improve guys lets to this scene over and this time don't drop the phone"
They did the scene over and this time cooper actually got it.

"Great now call her"  Jace says

"Why can't we just call Charlotte?"

"Because Sara is a beter fighter" he whispers

Cooper calls me, someone from the crew puts on the ringtone so we know when to start.

"Who's ringtone is that?" Jace asks

"Oh that's my daughters phone, wait let me introduce you to her!"

Cooper and Jace give eachother the look before turning there heads towards the stairs.
"Sweetie come downstairs!"

That's my cue. "Coming mom!"
I slowly start walking in to the scene untill I'm sure they can see me.
"Surprise!" I say with a bit of laughter

"Sara, you're, you're"
"The daughter of a criminal? Heck ya I am!" I say

"I can't believe it!" Jace says with hurt in his voice, it's fake but I still feel sorry for him. I snapped out of my thoughts by cooper's next line.
"I told you so, I was right about her!"

"Yes, but you being right got you stuck here so I don't think you should be so happy about it." I say

Cooper immediately stops talking, I give him a smirk and turn around. "Cut! Okay guys you deserve a break, after the break we will finish the episode" Dan says. I walk off set towards Riele, I want to talk about the KCA's because I'm very nervous about it, plus she made my outfit and I want to know if everything is finished.
"Riele, can we talk for a second?"
"Sure whats up?"
"Umh how is it going with my outfit?"
"Its great I already finished if you want we can go to my house and check if everything fits fine"
"That would be awsome!"

accidental || Sequel Of UnexpectedΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα